
Usually, I include the size and source of the screenshots here.  However, since no one really cares about the size of the images and all of them are exclusive to ZSO (and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise, because I went through great pains to make them!), I have decided to omit them.  Also, feel free to post these on your sites, but please give credit where it is due.


This is one of the beta versions of a pirate ship.  Inside it were several enemies and a treasure chest which contained a Triforce chart.  The layout was typical, the only difference being the color of the walls.


The only enemies in this version of the pirate ship were two Stalfos lugging clubs.  Of course, they did their job of being exceeding obnoxious.


The enemies in this version of the pirate ship were two Red Bubbles.  There was also an assortment of skulls, as you can plainly see.


On either ship, the treasure chest was always present, regardless of whether the enemies had been defeated.  Of course, getting there while Stalfos are clubbing you or Red Bubbles are ramming into you is a tad bit difficult.


The chest will always contain a Triforce Chart.  I haven't checked to see which chart it is yet.  Oddly enough, the chest is closed regardless of whether you've collected all of the Triforce Charts or not.


This is a beta version of the Triangle Islands.  It also happens to be the most annoying of all the areas.  The second you arrive, you'll hear a very loud, very obnoxious whine (perhaps not if you haven't revealed the Tower of the Gods yet).  The cause of this is illustrated below.


As you can see here, the beta version of the Triangle Islands holds all three statues of the goddesses in their unbroken form (they are always intact, even if the Tower's been revealed).  Perhaps the game does this because a variable detailing which of the three Triangle Islands this one was supposed to be was never set?  The cause is unknown, but it is both annoying and intriguing.  As you can see in the screenshot, the statues are partially unsolid.  You can go in a bit, but the collision detection will eventually kick in and keep you from going completely through.  Hey, it's a beta world, it's supposed to be weird.


A rather spectacular screenshot, if I do say so myself.  Is it just me, or does it seem odd that Nayru's statue has a frown, Din's statue has a beak, and Farore's statue is lacking a mouth completely?  Not only that, but Din's Pearl is imprinted with what looks like Zora's Sapphire and Farore's Pearl has a symbol resembling the Kokiri Emerald, but Din's Pearl's symbol bears no resemblance to Goron's Ruby?


According to JayTheHam, this area is actually the E3 demo of Wind Waker.  It makes enough sense, since it's a beta version of a well-known location.  Anyhoo, the things to note in this screenshot (aside from its apparent fuzziness) is that there is no sky (common for all beta areas), there are two people near the dock (sailors, actually), and if you look along the right edge, you can see the bow of the pirate ship.


Taken from the lookout tower.  A rather nice view, don't you think?  That white blob over there is a seagull, by the way.


Umm... well, there's nothing of particular interest about this rock.  But you can tell that the ground arrangement is a bit different from the final version.  Nothing big, though.


This, oddly enough, is the sword master and brainiac's house.  Instead of its traditional layout, however, the sword master's door is over on this side!  Of course, the door is already open, so you can't go in.  Doesn't make much sense, does it?


This is obviously an old layout of the sword master and brainiac's house.  That would be the brainiac's door, back there behind the ladder, and the balcony as well.  Can't remember if they worked or not, though...


Watcha lookin' at, Link?


This was before I found out that there really was a house up here that looked exactly like this.  Originally, I had thought that this house was a "new" addition that had been removed, but nope!  I just plain never had gone there before.


This would actually make more sense, having boards across the walkway instead of trees.  Of course, the boards are easy to break, thanks to your sword and bow.  Not many changes, aside from that.


I had a terrible time trying to take this screenshot.  I wanted to somehow show that both sides were blocked off, but the camera would always show one or another when it automatically positioned itself.  I had Link run around and the C stick spinning every which way for hours... well, not that long, but way too long for just one lousy screenshot.


I'm guessing that the people who set up the E3 demonstration were using an old version of Outset Island in order to show off Wind Waker, since they could have easily set it up so Link couldn't venture up here, thus making it totally redundant to put wooden boards up here.  But if this was originally one of their older versions of the island that they had intended to use in the real game, then it would make sense to have the boards.  Sort of...


Of course, if you want to go across to the other side, it's clear sailing.  No boards in your way over there.


I think that if you directed the wind west and used the Deku Leaf, you'd be able to fly across without a problem.  Not sure, though.


This is a very strange beta world, or more likely alpha.  The land is all beige sand, the ocean looks a bit... primitive... and smack dab in the center of the island is a perfectly circular pool of water.  And take a gander at that white structure over there!


Seriously, you guys, this thing freaked me out when I first saw it.  If the interface looked a bit older and Link had his older, more kiddie (if that's even possible...) form, I would have been in nirvana.  This is real beta.  The building itself is no bigger than an outhouse, and you have to backflip to get on the steps.  The walkway is extremely narrow, so it's likely that either it was bigger at one point, or Link was smaller.  Unfortunately, if you fail to backflip onto the ladder or try to run/crawl underneath the thing, the collision detection will fail to stop him from going through, thus making Link fall right through the thing and "crushing" him.  The game'll throw Link onto the shore if this happens and take away some of your health.  Backflipping will avoid the crushing, so long as you backflip onto the ladder.


I was actually very surprised at how far Link could go into the ocean without having to swim.  Leave it to beta!


Was I the first to figure this out?  Probably not... mind you, I found this thing out probably a few days after the codes had been released by JayTheHam (CodeJunkies hadn't released the codes to this island, the stinkers!), so unless you can pitch an earlier claim, I'll assume it's me (hehehe...).  Anyway, it's extremely difficult to walk around the building or along the little dock thing.  There's no door or anything, in case you're wondering.  What you see is what you get (what is with all of these clichés?  Oi...).


A very strange dungeon!  The ground seems to sprout steam at random places, and the wall looks like a very bad attempt of making an abstract painting.  The transport beam, oddly enough, is purple!

There's a couple of wooden plank sections that block the way here between two white pillars, which can quickly be dispatched with a fire arrow.


Okay, now this is weird.  There are five chained platforms over roiling lava, as well as an endless onslaught of Fire Keese.  At the beginning and end of the suspended platforms are cement blocks that seem to have been placed inside the ground rather poorly, since one of the blocks has its texture blend into the ground partly.  You can see it better two screenshots down.


Like I said, it's a weird place.  At the far end there is a room that looks like a crystal, and although it looks like all of the Fire Keese have been dispatched, don't be fooled.  They come back every time the lava spurts.


See?  Told you it looked weird.


At the end (inside the crystal-like alcove) you'll see a spiked treasure chest, already opened, and two torches.  The path continues on and curves around to the left.


The path curves upward towards another chamber...


Which contains nothing.  Talk about disappointment!  They could've at least put a pot there!


New world, and if this isn't beta, I don't know what is!  The extruded land is a primitive shape with a tile texture, and the grass is just green.  Connected to the extruded land is a wooden bridge, which most likely is the entire point of this otherwise barren world.


Ooooo... tilty....


If you snap the bridge, Link will be able to walk through the fallen boards.  Odd, the collision detection doesn't think Link's getting crushed here... maybe because the bridge is no longer considered "walkable," whereas the white structure was.  Still weird, though.


If you get bored (as I frequently do), try to break off as many of the ropes as you can without collapsing the bridge.  Here you can see my first record: Three.  Then I fell off, and of course if you try to get back on, the bridge will sway and try to make it as hard as possible for you to accomplish.  Then, when you do make it on, it'll break on you...


Yes!  All six!  Beat that!  Okay, maybe you can't, but it truly represents great dexterity, skill, and just how bored I really am.


This was the most boring beta area in the whole game.  It's just one room.  Four white walls, a dark ceiling, and a floor with huge tiles.  Nothing else.


A beta version of the Volcano area.  The "rocks" are all striped textures, and the ocean is a strange purplish color.


And just to show how creative Nintendo can be, one of the rocks is checker-patterned!


Once you successfully scale the mountain (a lot easier without all those birds, huh?), you'll be greated with a nonagon hole.  Note the detailed textures inside the hole that suggest depth and darkness.... or usually would, if this weren't just a crappy texture effect.


Just jump in, Link!  Wheeee!


"Okay... now what?"


This was a weird area.  The camera starts a bit back and to the right (from this viewpoint), and then swoops down towards Link.  Then after looking at him for a few seconds, it stops and you gain control.  Of course, the number textures are in the background, representing the scale-size of the texture.  My guess is that the 1 texture is 128x128, the 2 is 256x256, the 4 is 512x512, and the 16 is 1024x1024.  Might be higher.


Aside from the trees and a few pots, there really isn't much else here.


Back to the pirate ship again!  This is probably where I had my image capture program reset and resave the pictures.  I believe this one's out of sequence because I had this one on top of the others at the time, making it saved before it got around to the other screenshots.  Oddly enough, though you get a Triforce Chart like the Ghost Ship, you aren't warped back to the ocean after opening the chest.  Oh well.


Giant rock island.  I think this was actually a beta version of the island containing the Wind Temple, but I'm not positive.


The rocks...


Nice design on the rocks, there; the stairs look pretty weird, though.  The giant rock, I believe, is liftable, but Link didn't have the Power Bracelet on this file, so I couldn't test it.


Sure goes up high...


Another beta pirate ship, this time I believe acting like the Ghost Ship.  The two Stalfos are there, though the one closest to Link is in it's head-on-heels form.


Again, the treasure chest is available regardless of whether you defeat the monsters or not.


I can't remember if this one warped you or not... I think it did...


When I first arrived here, I thought JayTheHam had just stumbled on the exit value for one of the underground arenas.  Then I went through that door.


This was the most bizarre thing I had ever seen.  Boxes floating in midair?


This was about as far as I could go in without the camera getting extremely close to Link and extremely difficult to position.  That alone was probably why they took out this atrocity (mind you, I didn't have a moonjump code, so I had to climb up the boxes by maneuvering my way through and trying to figuring out just how exactly Nintendo had arranged the darn things!).


Some boxes had hookshot targets on them.  Not that they helped any, or were even that necessary...


As you can see, the boxes themselves were hookshotable.


Once I realized the place had doors just like all of the other ones, I beat all of the enemies.  Sadly enough, the doors unlocked, making all of my work on those boxes completely, totally pointless.  Worse still, the treasure chest was already open, although it's safe to assume it would've contained a Triforce chart.


I think I pulled up my map while inside this dungeon, and for some odd reason, it said I was at Stone Watcher Island.


And so I was, when I exited at least.


This was pretty weird.  Completely dark with a door lit by two torches, holding mysteries and secrets and untold horrors within?  Sounds like fun!


I will say this again: this place was weird!  You start by having to press the switches with the skull hammer.  Only one switch will unlock the doors to either side of them (both of which seem to lead to the same room).


When you pound one switch, the other(s) will pop back up.  Beat the room that's unlocked and a torch will light above its door.


As soon as you beat a room and re-enter the switch room, you'll find that while you were away battling the room had expanded.  Run down the new addition and you'll come across another batch of switches, accompanied by another pair of doors.


When you unlock the room, you'll be up against a lone enemy that's extremely easy to kill.  Once you've dispatched him, leave the room and a new path will appear.


Beat all of the rooms and you'll reach the treasure chest.  I don't recall its contents.


At one point, Tingle's tower apparently had an artist's studio.  They seemed to have been obsessed with that drawing, as it makes up the wallpaper, the floor, the tapestry, and even the papers on the table over there!


I have no idea what Tingle was up to in here... or maybe it was his brother's room?  Anway, be careful with this table, it's got a glitch that can "crush" Link similar to the white structure does.


Strangely enough, the corner pillar isn't solid.


He ain't no Picasso.


If you exit the room, you'll end up on Tingle's Island at that very spot.  I have absolutely no clue why.