Changing Objects In Levels

Have you ever wanted to get rid of that pesky Stalfos, or change those ReDeads into pots holding fairies?  Well, now you can with this handy new procedure!  At the moment, this can ONLY be done on the PC using the emulator Nemu64 (although the Gameshark Pro technically would work, the interface is too unstable and clunky for it to really be effective).
Currently, object modifiers exist for V1.0 NTSC and the Debug ROM, although the procedure is the same on all versions.
Here are some pre-made modifier codes (if you want to change a different actor, you'll need to make your own set of codes):


Level Name
Scene Data Location
Kokiri Forest

V2.0b PAL
Level Name
Scene Data Location
Temple of Time
Lost Woods
Kokiri Forest
  1. Open Nemu64 and start up the ROM.
  2. Wait until you see the title screen, then pause the emulator and open the Memory Editor.
  3. Copy the scene data location listed above (or one you found) into the address box.
  4. Unpause the game and go to the level you chose.
  5. Pause the game again and switch to the Memory Editor.  The first four bytes should now read "1#000000". (If they don't, click Refresh and check.  If it still doesn't, press Go once and then Refresh again.  Keep trying this until either the game starts up again-- which means you're in the wrong spot-- or until you see the bytes.)
  6. Search in that area for the group # of the object you wish to change (objects with a group number of 1 should look for the actor number instead).
  7. Right-click on that area so that it is highlighted.
  8. Unpause the game and leave the area, then re-enter.
  9. If you selected the right area, it should have halted before loading the level.  Switch to the Commands window and click on Go once.
  10. Switch to the Memory Editor.   Change the group # to the number of the object you're replacing it with (skip this step if the group number of the new object is 1).
  11. Look further down in the data for the actor number of the old object.  Change it to the new actor number of the object you chose.  If there's more than one possibility, you'll have to do some trial-and-error until you get the right one.
  12. Once you've changed the actor number, look in the 4-byte grouping immediately before the grouping below the one with the actor value you just changed.  The last two bytes are the variable values.  Change them to the values you prefer.
  13. Switch back to the Commands window and press Go twice.  It should now load the level with the new object.
Be warned, some objects share the same group number (i.e. the Kokiri in the Kokiri Forest, the spiritual stones in the Temple of Time), so if you change a shared group number, you should also change all of the objects that use it (or, alternatively, change their actor numbers to another group number already being used, OR change another group number to the one you changed in the procedure above).  Also, changing or removing certain objects may "break" the puzzles in various rooms (especially switches and enemies).  Make sure that when changing these objects you choose another puzzle-friendly object!