
The Eel - Using the following code, your powder keg will turn into a bottle holding an eel (to get the kegs back, turn off the game, start without the Gameshark, and purchase one).  The description shows the same picture, but without text.  When used, Link holds a bottle up and it says "This item doesn't seem to work here...".  Any ideas what that means, or where it works?  I've tried using it in the marine lab (both aquariums!), in front of the Zora band leader, underwater, in front of the fishing guy, at Pinnacle Rock, none of it works!  Where the heck does this thing work?
Japanese Translation: Hairaru dojo [Hylian Dojo]
801EF6EC 0026

Blue Fire - Blue Fire is not attainable in this game.  But with this code, you'll find it right where the Powder Keg used to be.  When used, Link will open the bottle and three bugs will fall out.  It's not fire, but it's weird!  What's especially weird is that the name the menu shows is translated into English!  Why would they take it out?  For that matter, why have it in the first place....?
801EF6EC 001C

Gifts from the Fairies - Remember the Fairy Ocarina and Fairy Slingshot?  They're here!!!  Neither of them work (they activate the pictograph), but the fact that they're there is odd enough!  The following codes will overwrite the Ocarina of Time and Hero's Bow, so DO NOT save unless you recover them with another Gameshark code.
Translation: 1) Yosei no Okarina [Fairy's Ocarina]; 2) Rongu Fukku
801EF6E0 0005
801EF6E1 000B

Purple Potion - This code will show an empty bottle on the Item screen (Japanese text), a magic bottle without text for a description, and acts as a purple potion when used.  When Link drinks it, he regains all of his health.  I haven't tried recovering magic yet, but it probably does.  This code overwrites the Powder Keg.
Translation: Obaba no Dorinku [Obaba's Drink]
801EF6EC 0027

Weird! - This is a weird item.  When used, Link pulls out the Pendant of Memories.  Who knows why...
Translation: Gatsu no Seki [Moon's Rock or Month's Rock]
801EF6EC 0031
Note: We now have reason to believe that this is simply the dungeon map.  Oh well.

Medallions - If you use the following three codes, you'll find the Wind and Ice Medallion glitches, again!  I have no idea why they exist, but hey!
801EF6E2 004A
801EF6E3 004B
801EF6E4 004C

Hookshot? - The Hookshot from Ocarina of Time!  Activates the pictograph, but why is it here in the first place?
Translation: Yosei no Bachinku [Fairy's... something?]
801EF6EC 0011

Fun With the Zora Temple - If you warp to Zora's Temple and enter the boss's lair, you can do a whole bunch of weird things.  For starters, make sure you have All Items Usable code and Moonjump on.  Now, jump into the water as a Zora and swim.  Hold L while swimming and you'll start swimming in the air (the only way to go up is with L).  Soon enough the fish will miraculously leap into the air and follow you!  No matter where you go he'll follow!  Even into the small room above!!  You can also glitch up the game by standing on the platform, waiting until the fish rushes towards it, and then moonjumping.  If done correctly (and the fish rams into the platform instead of jumping), there will be white tides all around the platform, the crashing sound will play continuously, the game will slow way down, and if you go to the top platform and try to land, you'll act like you're hit.  Strange thing is, no matter what you do, you'll keep on acting like your hit (Link screams, flying through the air).  And last, if the fish jumps instead, make sure to moonjump high.  If the fish misses you he'll fall into the water, but his head will get stuck in the wall!!  Just swim over and run him over with your R shield and he'll return to normal.  Cool, huh?

Zelda 1, here we come! - If you listen to the music Japas plays, you'll recognize it from the dungeons in the first Zelda game!!  And if you listen to the bandleader's piano song you'll recognize it from the ending of Zelda 1!  Neat!

Epona Glitch - Remember the glitch on Epona where you needed Swordless Link, get on Epona, and pull out your ocarina?  You can do it here too!  All you need to do is enter in this code.  Then call Epona.  Equip anything to the C buttons and use them while on the horse.  Link can pull out transformation masks and transform into different forms and STILL RIDE EPONA (just press A after transforming.  Tatl will tell you that you can't, but it works anyway).  If you pull out your ocarina, Link will be stuck in the air.  Un-stick him by pressing A.  If you press B, you'll pull out the bow and here a continuous "view change" sound, and can't do anything except shoot arrows.  Press any C button to escape the glitch.  Try using the Deity's Mask!  The game slows way down, the sound goes out, and then the screen goes red with white feathers flying around (well, they're not actually moving)!  Why is the Song of Soaring there?  (The game freezes entirely at that point.)
811F3588 0000
