Dodongo's Cavern

In order of appearance.....

Note: Some of the pictures are rather dark due to the hardware that was used.  If you are having trouble seeing certain objects, we recommend you turn down your contrast slightly and increase brightness on your monitor.

Center Platform.jpg
The first, most noticeable difference in Dodongo's Cavern is the lock of a Beamos on the center platform.  Instead you can find this bomb flower, which is too far away from anything to be of great help.

A Blocked Door.jpg
Blow this door up with the bomb from the center platform to unveil a gossip stone.  Whoopee.

More Moved Objects.jpg
Oddly enough, the treasure chest you see right there is the bomb bag.  That's right, the big prize is right there when you walk in, sitting on that ledge that's just out of reach.  Behind the bombable wall is another treasure chest that contains the map.

Misplaced Switch.jpg
After doing some exploring about I discovered two boulders on the dirt regions to either side of the dead Dodongo.  On the left was nothing, but here on the right was a concealed switch that, when pressed, would make the elevator rise to the second floor (similar to the original, except that this was done much later).

Yet Another Misplaced Switch.jpg
Now just to orient you on where we're at (since I was lacking a compass at this point), we're on the bridge at the top of the map facing towards that small tucked-in area on the left side.  Just to let you know (for those who don't have Master Quest), the adjoining exit to the other room is blocked off with boulders.  The button ahead unlocks the door next to the torch (you can see it on the far right of A Blocked Door).  Unfortunately, due to the location of the button relative to the door, the camera ends up in a rather... "amusing" location.

The Up-Skirt Camera.jpg
*shakes head* There are many comments and lewd jokes to be made with this picture, but to stay on the safe side I'll just leave it with "I'm glad the artists decided not to go into any further detail!"

The Floating Torches.jpg
Yes, you read that right.  These torches have been granted the mysterious power of levitation, though how exactly is beyond me.  However, there are about four or five blocks, three of which are in easy range to slide underneath so you can jump onto them with a lit Deku stick and light them.  Once you do, a yellow "switch" torch will light.  This torch is needed in order to enter the next room.

Empty Room.jpg
If you detour to the left and do something (don't quite remember what, though I know it's not hard figuring out), you'll unlock this small and seemingly empty room.  Of course, you'll be given two clues that you're not alone: the tell-tale noise of a Golden Skulltula, and odd particles falling from the ceiling.

Not Quite So Empty Room.jpg
If the particles and a door locked behind you without any sign of any ground monsters aren't a big enough clue, I don't know what is.  Sure enough, you'll see five Ghomacite eggs just waiting to hatch.

Five Rupees and a Skulltula.jpg
Indeed, your reward for destroying the eggs is a blue rupee and the Golden Skulltula, conveniently located on the ground for easy retrieval of the token.

Block Corridor.jpg
Entering this room is a tad bit tricky, as you need to be rather quick in order make it through.

Floor One.jpg
This is what the first floor looked like on the map at this point.

Floor Two.jpg
Like I said, the second floor is pretty much completed by the time you get this map.

Finally Reach the Lower Level.jpg
We can now enter the first floor (use the now-accessible bomb flower and drop down to the breakable wall), and in a glimpse there isn't much of a difference here (though you won't encounter any baby dodongos).

Two Gray Boxes.jpg
Okay, this is admittedly pretty weird.  These boxes are actually weight-sensitive triggers, which means that if Link climbs onto them, something happens.  The one on the right makes a click sound (don't remember the actual effect), and the one on the left lifts you up to the ledge.  Beyond the boxes you can see a boulder.  It's the key to unlocking this room.

Hidden Eye.jpg
Bomb the boulder to reveal a bomb flower chain (if you're lucky, you'll start the chain and save yourself another bomb).  At the end of the chain is a boulder which will explode, revealing a secret eye.  Shoot it to unlock the door and progress further.

Locked Door.jpg
For those of you who may not remember, this door was previously a bombable wall.  Now, it requires you to set off a bomb chain that hits a gravestone (it's hiding a switch within it).

The Blue Room.jpg
You can see the aforementioned bomb chain near Link's head, running up to the brownish blob that is the gravestone.  As you can see, the room is totally devoid of dodongos.