Deku Tree

In order of appearance.....

Deku Tree Entrance.jpg
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Well, this certainly doesn't look any different... except there's now a torch down here, and a skulltula blocking the vines over there! (Hard to see, but trust me, it's there.)  That's only the first surprise!

Torch and Skulltula.jpg
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Okay, a better shot of the torch and that Skulltula I mentioned.  This obviously explains why the vines were there in the first place, since in this version, you have to use the ladder to go up until you get the Slingshot!

Map Guardian.jpg
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Okay, this is even more strange.  We've got another mysterious torch, and one of Gohma's hatchlings as well!  The chest is the map, as usual, but the box next to it holds a Gold Skulltula.  Plus, if you go up to the chest, another hatchling will fall from the ceiling and start attacking you.  Think this is weird?  Read on.

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Weird, huh?

Webbed Off.jpg
As you can see, the once-slingshot room is now blocked off by a web.  Obviously, this was not the next place to go.

No Skulltulas.jpg
Again, I was surprised by the lack of three skulltulas spinning around on the wall.  But, since it was the only clear path, I clambered on up the vines.

Compass Room Blocked.jpg
Well, this is certainly odd.  The door's blocked off, there's a torch sitting there, and a keese as well (to the right of the top of the torch).

Compass Room Switch.jpg
Want to guess what the switch does?  I'll give you a hint to the obvious answer: it has to do with torches, fire, and burning webs. (If that doesn't give it away, I don't know what will!)  I should also point out that it's here that you are first introduced to the flaming keese that can burn your shields.

Gohmacites in the Compass Room.jpg
Gah!  It's an invasion of the one-eyed mini-Gohma wannabes!  I'm serious, there's like eight or nine of them, here.

Small Chest.jpg
Whoopee.  I lit the torch, and all I get is a tiny chest that has a recovery heart.

Opening the Chest.jpg
BUT if you defeat all the Gohmacites, you'll end up with the slingshot!

Where the Scrub Was.jpg
Now armed with a slingshot, I jumped on down and went into the previously webbed off room (the one that used to lead to the slingshot).  Instead of a talkative Deku Scrub, however, I found a giant Deku Baba and two Gohmacites.  What fun!

Real Compass Room.jpg
Here's the real compass room!  As you can see, there are two skulltulas on either side and a Gohmacite in front of the treasure chest.

New Skulltula Hideout.jpg
And, once you get rid of that little pest, look up to the left and you'll see a blocked off room that holds a Gold Skulltula.

No Torch.jpg
Now armed with a compass, I whipped out a Deku Stick, set it aflame, and burnt the web on the ground to smithereens.  Now on the basement level, I found many interesting surprises, the first being the lack of a torch over here.

Giant Baba.jpg
It's kind of hard to see (the picture didn't record fast enough), but if you look to the left of the Kokiri Sword icon you'll see the giant Baba.

Odd Arrangement.jpg
This looked pretty bizarre, but by now I figured the whole place was totally different.  If you use the torch to burn away the web on the left, you can hit the switch and reveal a treasure chest containing a recovery heart.

Non-Talking Scrub.jpg
Instead of being irritated at revealing the secret of how to defeat his brothers, this scrub just shoots nuts at you until you slice and dice him.  Oh, and don't forget to take out those Gohmacites.  Once the room's free of monsters, you have to leave, light a Deku Stick, and then light up the two torches next to the door in order to go on.  The monsters don't come back, though, which is a definite plus.

Different Water Room.jpg
This was not quite so fun as the original version.  Here, you step on the switch to ignite the torch.  Then you whip out a stick, light it before the torch goes out all the way, jump onto the moving platform, duck when the spikes approach you, jump onto the other side and light the two torches before your stick burns up.

Ducking Under the Spikes.jpg
This is Link demonstrating the process detailed above.  Note that the water level doesn't lower.  If you don't duck, you'll be pushed right off.

Sun Block.jpg
This was a very strange appearance.  It's obviously a Sun Block that you can move with the Song of Time, but why in the world is it in here?  The skulltula's impossible to kill, too, unless you sneak up the block behind him and start stabbing.

Torches and Gravestones.jpg
You heard me right, folks!  Gravestones!  There's four or five of them in this room, I think, and I haven't a clue why.  There's also four torches (obviously) that light whenever you stand on the blue switch.  And, of course, four keese perched on top of all four torches, just waiting for you unless you pick 'em off with your trusty slingshot.

Torch Room.jpg
Hrmm.... it looks like there's six gravestones at the least.  Odd, considering that's how many medallions you get.

Bomb Room.jpg
This room was previously accessible only after you had acquired the bomb bag.  Again, it only holds a Gold Skulltula (which needs a boomerang to be reached), but we've got new enemies here.

Deku Merchant.jpg
Upon finishing the torch room and crawling back into the main room, you'll find the giant Deku Baba that I had pointed out earlier and this merchant scrub, who'll sell you a shield if you're in need of one.  After that, burn the floor web as usual and plummet down.  You'll face the three scrubs, as usual, but the order is different each time you enter the room (and it's not 2-3-1).  After some trial and error, you'll finish and face Gohma.

WATCH THE BATTLE AGAINST GOHMA video never backed up ):