A+B+C Old Style
Filename: AttackDemo.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: The Forest Medallion is here, which means that by
now they've given up storyline A and made B (which is what we ended up
with, though we wanted to see A too). The ground texture suggests
the Deku Tree, and considering the fact that Child Link hadn't been made
yet, this makes sense.
Filename: AttackDemo2.jpg
Size: 15 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: I wonder why Navi's pink?
Filename: AttackDemo3.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: If Link were a bit shorter and his shield a bit different,
this would look almost exactly like it does in our game. Well, maybe
not, but it's close.
Filename: ClimbingTheLedge1.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Our first demonstration of Link's climbing abilities.
Filename: ClimbingTheLedge2.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Filename: ClimbingTheLedge3.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Filename: ClimbingTheLedge4.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Filename: DarkCorridor.jpg
Size: 24 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Where is he this time?
Filename: DarkCorridor2.jpg
Size: 22 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: What kind of door is that at the end of the corridor?
Or is that the room? If it is, what is in it?
Filename: DekuTreeBoss.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Child Link isn't around yet, so it's not entirely
surprising that Adult Link is fighting Queen Gohma here. But, it
certainly is interesting, especially when compared to what we get in the
Beta Quest. After all, the bow only works when she's climbed up the
walls to the ceiling. I have a feeling that was intentional.
What the Forest Medallion did, however, will forever remain a mystery.
Filename: DekuTreeBoss2.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: The mist leaves strange shadows on Link... very strange
looking. Same with Gohma's children...
Filename: DekuTreeBoss3.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Our first demonstration of Z-Camera Lock.
Filename: DekuTreeBoss4.jpg
Size: 15 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: A menacing Gohma stares at Link evilly... you know,
the attitude is kind of ruined when you see the ÷ sign on her eye.
Filename: Desert.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Strange looking desert, that's for sure. There's
some gray stone shape on the left, next to the stubby tree, and what looks
like a building to the right.
Filename: FireTempleOrVolcanoInside.jpg
Size: 9 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: This is most likely the Fire Temple. That's
all I can tell from this, really. If you guys have a better picture
(the bigger, the better), please let
me know.
Filename: FireTempleOrVolcanoInside2.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Hmm.... I seem to say that an awful lot, don't I?
Filename: LakeHylia.jpg
Size: 25 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Well, Epona's there, a dock, and hills in the distance...
this is kind of eerie. How big was the world supposed to be?
Filename: LinkOnARoll.jpg
Size: 15 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: A rather strange place to put the NPS logo.
Looks like Link's starting to roll in this picture.
Filename: LinkOnTheEdge.jpg
Size: 16 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: This looks like that Dodongo dungeon we saw in A+C
Only and More Detailed Work. It looks like there's some
sort of design on the floor to the right of Link, but it's hard to make
Filename: LinkSurveysHisSurroundings.jpg
Size: 36 KB
Source: N64.com
Comments: Link might be in the Deku Tree in this picture, but
it's hard to tell. Apparently, the A button was programmed to act
just like a C button, since we've seen the bow and now bombs equipped to
it, as well as the sword. You should've noticed by now that Link's
orange sleeves are gone now, and the rupee font has changed, yet again.
Filename: LinkSurveysHisSurroundings2.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: The A and C button contents have been shuffled again.
Link also has his bow out, but he's not doing much else.
Filename: Oasis.jpg
Size: 43 KB
Source: N64.com
Comments: We're in the desert in this picture. Link has
the megaton hammer now instead of the Forest Medallion. He seems
to be at either the lake, or at an oasis. The trees still look awfully
primitive, and the water is is too light, but otherwise this place could've
found a home in our cartridge (it didn't, of course).
Filename: PullingTheBox1.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: He grabs the wall...
Filename: PullingTheBox2.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Crouches down...
Filename: PullingTheBox3.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: And starts pulling on the wall (goodness knows why).
Filename: StrollingInTheDesert.jpg
Size: 15 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Again, the desert. Nice sunset effects, but
the trees still look awful. There seems to be some really squat trees
on the left, but otherwise, it looks completely barren.
If you have any other screenshots that would fit under this section,
please e-mail it or the location of the screenshot to the webmaster.