Zelda 64 Screenshots

We have one of the largest screenshot libraries available right here for Zelda 64, nearly all of them beta!  There are so many, we can't fit them onto one page and have divided them up into ten sections: the Very Beginning, Early Testing, More Detailed Work, A+C Only, A+B+C Old Style, A+B Reversed, Pre-Released Version, Released Version, Under Dispute, and Beta Quest.  We take no credit for these screenshots, and have preserved their original markings and have not edited them in any way.
Below are the links to the different sections, as well as an example screenshot.  Just click on that section or its picture to go to its index page.  We'd like to thank Nintendo Power Source, Nintendojo, N64.COM, IGN, and other various sources for their screenshots that we have used in this album.

Very Beginning
Link vs. Metal Knight

Early Testing
The Ghost Town

More Detailed Work
Fending Off Stalfos

A+C Only
Haunted Graveyard

A+B+C Old Style
Danger in the Dungeon

A+B Reversed
The Blue Fairy

Pre-Released Version
Shocking Parasite

Released Version (American)
The Legendary Relic

Under Dispute
The Triforce?

Beta Quest
A Different Crater

If you have any screenshots or any copies, please submit them so that we can develop the most complete screenshot library possible. Also, we take no credit for these screenshots, and have preserved their markings. If, for any legal and viable reason, the images need to be removed, please contact the webmaster and the image(s) will be removed as soon as possible.
