Released Version

Comments will not show on any images below unless I have any.

Filename: BattleTheStalfoes.jpg
Size: 27 KB
Source: Name Unknown (tracking down at this time)
Comments: This is not a Beta shot, mainly because nothing here suggests Beta.  Rupee counter checks out, as well as the hearts, magic, items, map, and keys.

Filename: CuccoLady.jpg
Size: 30 KB
Source: IGN64

Filename: Dah...dah...dah...dah...!.jpg
Size: 24 KB
Source: Name Unknown (tracking down at this time)

Filename: Dampé.jpg
Size: 24 KB
Source: IGN64

Filename: Epona'sSong.jpg
Size: 23 KB
Source: IGN64

Filename: FrontOfTOT.jpg
Size: 27 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: A rather imposing sight... don't you think?

Filename: Ganon'sTower.jpg
Size: 29 KB
Source: IGN64

Filename: GerudoValley.jpg
Size: 26 KB
Source: IGN64

Filename: HappyMaskShop.jpg
Size: 32 KB
Source: IGN64

Filename: HereComesSaria.jpg
Size: 25 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: The only proof here that it is not beta is Navi's wings.  There are no beta shots where Navi's wings are rounded, remarkably enough.

Filename: Kakariko.jpg
Size: 28 KB
Source: IGN64

Filename: KidSeesEvil.jpg
Size: 9 KB
Source: Name Unknown (tracking down at this time)

Filename: LinkInAHouse.jpg
Size: 31 KB
Source: Name Unknown (tracking down at this time)
Comments: This screenshot is also used in the Beta Zelda 64 section.

Filename: LinkLearnsTheBolero.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: This is actually a screenshot that's supposed to be in A+B Reversed, but you can hardly tell the difference anyways.

Filename: LinkTalksToTheJerk.jpg
Size: 27 KB
Source: Name Unknown (tracking down at this time)

Filename: LinkWithTheOcarina.jpg
Size: 23 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: The B button looks altered, but that might just be me.

Filename: MagicTreasureChest.jpg
Size: 24 KB
Source: Name Unknown (tracking down at this time)

Filename: Nightfall.jpg
Size: 17 KB
Source: IGN64

Filename: Ranch.jpg
Size: 31 KB
Source: IGN64

Filename: Saria.gif
Size: 16 KB
Source: Unknown

Filename: Saria'sHouse.jpg
Size: 30 KB
Source: Name Unknown (tracking down at this time)

Filename: SheikAtTheMeadow.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Source: Nintendo Power

Filename: SheikInTheCrater.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Nintendo Power

Filename: SheikInTheTOT.jpg
Size: 24 KB
Source: Name Unknown (tracking down at this time)

Filename: Sightseer.jpg
Size: 20 KB
Source: Unknown

Filename: SongsForFrogs.jpg
Size: 27 KB
Source: Unknown

Filename: SwordInTheStone.jpg
Size: 16 KB
Source: Nintendo Power

Filename: TempleOfLight'sTriforceScene.jpg
Size: 5 KB
Source: Nintendo Power

Filename: TempleOfTheForest.jpg
Size: 20 KB
Source: Name Unknown (tracking down at this time)
Comments: Also known as the Forest Temple.

Filename: TheBrokenTempleOfTime.jpg
Size: 41 KB
Source: Zelda: The Legacy
Comments: This is what it looks like in the Temple of Time with the "Tornado Code" on.  The bright white dot on the warp pad is either Navi or some graphic glitch.  Unfortunately, this was taken off of a TV set.  I'll see if I can find any pictures like this but in better quality.

Filename: TheMysteriousOwl.jpg
Size: 22 KB
Source: IGN64

Filename: The Phantom Wins.jpg
Size: 15 KB
Source: Name Unknown (tracking down at this time)

Filename: TheWell.jpg
Size: 21 KB
Source: Name Unknown (tracking down at this time)

Filename: TOT.jpg
Size: 17 KB
Source: Odyssey of Hyrule

Filename: TOTFront.jpg
Size: 34 KB
Source: IGN64

Filename: TOTFront2.jpg
Size: 22 KB
Source: IGN64

Filename: UprootTrees.jpg
Size: 39 KB
Source: Zelda: The Legacy
Comments: This was taken by the same person, but with a different code activated.  I'll check the site and see what code it was that could allow Link to lift trees.

Filename: Windmill.jpg
Size: 24 KB
Source: Name Unknown (tracking down at this time)

Filename: ZeldaBoxBack.jpg
Size: 21 KB
Source: Unknown
Comments: Just here for fun.  The white marks on the right are wrinkles in the plastic wrap covering the box when it was scanned.

Filename: ZeldaBoxFront.jpg
Size: 15 KB
Source: Unknown
Comments: If you have the back, might as well have the front!

If you have any other screenshots that would fit under this section, please e-mail it or the location of the screenshot to the webmaster.