A+C Only

Filename: AngryDodongos.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Zelda Headquarters
Comments: I guess they come in all different colors and sizes.  First we had a giant, massive dodongo, now we have these two signficantly smaller ones (note that Navi changes colors now, but doesn't make any other lock-on effects), and later on we end up with brown, scaly ones.

Filename: AnotherStalfo.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Zelda Headquarters
Comments: Okay, there's something wrong with this picture.  First, where is the Stalfo's sword, or have they made it black now?  Second, why is Link holding his sword so awkwardly?  Third, and most importantly, what is up with the floor on the bottom-right corner?  Okay... what did they do to this screenshot?

Filename: DekuTree.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Nintendojo
Comments: Link has two swords equipped, five hearts (that I can make out).  The area is similar enough to what we got, but the textures are not even half as good.  The Deku Tree's nose is red, making it look silly, like it has a cold (which is basically true, if curses are considered colds).  I guess there was some sort of symbolism here, but I'm glad they didn't keep it in the released version.

Filename: Desert.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Source: Nintendojo
Comments: Link has 8 hearts, 12 arrows, and 40 bombs here, as well as a nicer shield than before.  Navi seems smart enough now to change her color when there's danger.  The swords are easier to make out, and the one on A seems to be more like a dagger.  The green things, of course, have hardly changed from this picture to what we have now.

Filename: HesAGoner.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Zelda Headquarters
Comments: Okay, so he isn't a goner, not with all his remaining hearts.  That's not what we're here for!  These explosions are very similar to our own, so obviously they haven't changed much over the production of the game.  The shield does look better than ours, though, I will say that.  It looks like there is a floor on top of those walls, like a second story, but I can't really tell.

Filename: TheGraveyard.jpg
Size: 91 KB (NOTE: The image above has been reduced in size via browser.  If you save this image, it will appear considerably larger.)
Source: Nintendojo
Comments: This picture is somewhat contradictory.  The interface is updated, Navi's smarter, and the time progression feature has been worked in (you can see the moon clearly), but the graves and ghost look like they belong in Very Beginning.  Very confusing... why would they use such a crappy poe, and make such poor graves?  They've obviously demonstrated that they had all sorts of beautiful, detailed work completed, why didn't that hold true for a simple graveyard?

Filename: InsideAHouse.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Everything Zelda 64
Comments: The house interface obviously hasn't been changed much, except here, the door is red and the weapons are usable.

Filename: RanchChickens.jpg
Size: 19 KB
Source: Nintendojo
Comments: The picture is grainy, but it's clear we're in the horse ranch (I doubt it was called Lon Lon Ranch at that time).  The cuccos have green eyes, apparently, and slightly strange feather arrangements, but haven't changed much else.

Filename: StrangePool.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Zelda Headquarters
Comments: Just where is Link, anyway?  It looks like it might be some strange dungeon, but then again, all of it looks weird.  Navi's red, but I can't see any enemies.  Confusing...

Filename: WhoKnows.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendojo
Comments: Very cool, pre-rendered location, but the purpose is entirely unknown.  The Roman-style pillars tell me absolutely nothing, though I think this may be related to the Gerudo's, possibly Ganondorf.  Any ideas?

If you have any other screenshots that would fit under this section, please e-mail it or the location of the screenshot to the webmaster.