Under Dispute

The following images are faked, tampered, or highly doubtful.  ZSO has not altered them in any way.  Do not believe that the following images are true.

Filename: AnotherChamberOfSages.jpg
Size: 34 KB
Source: Hyrule: The Land of Zelda
Comments: Really blurry, but it's a really well-done forgery!  Nearly convincing too, except that the ocarina isn't held correctly... but with all of the accuracy, it makes you wonder how they even managed all of it if the first place... that and why they even did this in the first place.

Filename: AnotherTriforce.jpg
Size: 35 KB
Source: Zelda: The Legacy
Comments: Remarkably similar to TheThreeUnited.jpg (below), except we're in a cutscene mode with the interface invisible.  One technicality, however: Navi is yellow.  If I recall correctly, Navi never changes colors during a cutscene.  And why would she change colors here in the first place?

Filename: Ariana'sTOL.jpg
Size: 80 KB
Source: Hyrule: The Land of Zelda
Comments: Pretty convincing... I wonder how she got Temple of Light on there.  Code modifier, maybe?

Filename: BlurredAssembly.jpg
Size: 22 KB
Source: Unknown
Comments: Navi's wings are pointed again... the idiocy continues...

Filename: ChamberOfSages.jpg
Size: 37 KB
Source: Hyrule: The Land of Zelda
Comments: I believe this is an altered image of Another Chamber of Sages.jpg (above), where they replaced the C arrows with different ones to demonstrate how the song could be forged.  I'm not absolutely positive about this...

Filename: Darunia......jpg
Size: 12 KB
Source: Hyrule: The Land of Zelda
Comments: Looks an awful lot like Darunia... at least, I think so.  Really, really blurry here.  Actually, this is a blowup of a part in Blurred Assembly.jpg (above) to the right of Link, where that unusual streak is.

Filename: Hoax.jpg
Size: 40 KB
Source: Hyrule: Land of Zelda
Comments: YES!  DUH!  Look at Navi's wings, they're clipped!  Yeesh, some people...

Filename: MakesSense.jpg
Size: 35 KB
Source: Zelda: The Legacy
Comments: Well, for a hoax, this makes sense... each of the unicorns glows with one of the goddesses' symbolic colors (red, green, and blue, the primary colors).  Pretty convincing... except that the red glow slightly overlaps the green unicorn near the nape.  Whoops...

Filename: ObviousForgery.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Source: Zelda: The Legacy
Comments: Just to let you know, Z:TL did not make this image.
There are SO many obvious reasons why this is a forgery.  Look at how grainy the buttons and hearts are.  Look at Link's cap and how it's boxy.  Now look at the Triforce in the middle.  It isn't grainy, boxy, or in any way deformed.  It was a lousy job... all they did was cut and paste!

Filename: PieceItAllTogether.jpg
Size: 6 KB
Source: Hyrule: The Land of Zelda
Comments: Weird... just weird...

Filename: Pitiful...JustPitiful....jpg
Size: 25 KB
Source: Zelda: The Legacy
Comments: Kudos to the kindergartener that made this!  This is just sad... Link is solarized and squashed, the ground texture is patchy, the buttons are grainy, and the Triforce is not only out of proportion, you can see quite clearly that two of the sides go longer than they should (lower left-hand corner).

Filename: QuestTriforce.jpg
Size: 46 KB
Source: Zelda: The Legacy
Comments: Extremely convincing... except for two technicalities, the only ones that make it a dead giveaway of being fake: the Ocarina of Time and Bow are usable!!  You can never use them on the Quest Status screen, not in a million years!
Filename: SheikTeachesLink.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: No, there's nothing wrong with this picture, I just don't know where to put it.  It has to be either A+B Reversed or Pre-Released Version, since Navi's wings are boxy.  This picture is true, I just don't know where it goes.

Filename: TheThreeUnited.jpg
Size: 44 KB
Source: Zelda: The Legacy
Comments: This one really makes you think, mainly about something else.  It's a much better job than the top picture, but it's still pretty obvious.  The map may or may not be real... it looks like they threw in a box, yellow triangle, and then filtered it green inside.  If so, they did their homework.  The only things that pretty much say fake are the hearts and buttons.  The hearts look way too good to be Beta, while the buttons are as grainy as those GIF pictures.

Filename: WhatKindOfIdiotMadeThis.jpg
Size: 35 KB
Source: Zelda: The Legacy
Comments: I think the filename has a point there!  Navi's distorted, the down arrow is green, and the font is all wrong!  YEESH!  What morons... at least do some research before making a fake picture!

Filename: YetAnotherTriforce.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Unknown
Comments: Now that's more like it!  The C buttons are all faded like they should be, none of the colors are off, and the only things that may be of concern are the rupee counter and the warp pad, which looks like it's been flipped up a bit (like the Tornado code).  It's phony, but hey... at least it's a good phony!

Filename: Zelda64Cartridge.jpg
Size: 17 KB
Source: IGN64.com
Comments: If I remember correctly, this is a picture of what fans thought the Zelda cartridge was going to look like.  It's actually pretty realistic-looking, since the K-A, Nintendo Seal, and N64 logos are all there and aligned correctly.  The gold was obviously computer done, but it's still pretty interesting.

If you have any other screenshots that would fit under this section, please e-mail it or the location of the screenshot to the webmaster.