A and B Reversed

Showing 1-50 out of 340.  Page: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]

Filename: 3GreenRupees.jpg
Size: 29 KB
Source: IGN64.com
Comments: Our Forest Medallion (see A+B+C Old Style) is gone now, and we have the more familiar design now.  Link has five rupees, and has defeated an
enemy, most likely a Stalfo, which has left behind three rupees.  Judging from the floor, I would say Link is in the Forest Temple.

Filename: 3Tektites.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: This is our first screenshot of Child Link.  We all know that he's located at Death Mountain (which hasn't changed a bit, from then to now).  The map is translucent and might be topographical.  The tektites haven't changed at all from then to now.  Link seems to have an infinite amount of Deku Sticks (odd...), and his slingshot has an unlimited supply of ammo (unless the slingshot used deku nuts instead of seeds).

Filename: 4RedHearts.gif
Size: 11 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Again, Adult Link is in the Forest Temple, probably the exact same room, except now we have have four hearts (which look different from the ones we can get in our game), and you can slightly see two red rupees on the left in the back.

Filename: 4RedRupees.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Same ol', same ol', except now it's four red rupees.

Filename: ACrackResounds.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Here Child Link is beating a tektite with a Deku Stick.  It looks like he has a limited amount here (a white blur over the Deku Sticks seems to confirm that), but his slingshot still is unlimited.  Cheater!  (I guess that's kind of hypocritical, since I use Gameshark's Infinite codes. ;-)

Filename: ADepressedMalon.jpg
Size: 16 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Link has the fairy ocarina, Navi is yellow, and the A+B buttons are flipped, but otherwise this looks exactly like what we have in our games.  They've even translated the action button by now!

Filename: AGorgeousSunset.jpg
Size: 47 KB
Source: IGN64.com
Comments: Nice sunset, especially with the red-orange hues.  I don't remember that fence being in our game, but this is the Japanese version.  The map seems to be topographical (I wonder why they took that out?).

Filename: AGuardedChest.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Navi recognizes treasure chests, apparently, since she's one of her "Hey, look at me!" colors and is hovering over the old treasure chest.  There seems to be three Deku Babas here, which is slightly unusual.  The map and floor suggest that Child Link is in the Deku Tree.  Recognize the chest?  They recycled it and used it in Majora's Mask!  Proof that they still have the beta stuff in their archives, somewhere!

Filename: ALeaningTektite.jpg
Size: 9 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: The tektite appears to be leaning here (a programming glitch, no doubt), and our wacky sign can be sign in the background.  I just want to ask one question: why would Nintendo make a screenshot of a tektite with two feet hovering off the ground?  It doesn't exactly make a good screenshot here...

Filename: ALongWayDown.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Where the heck are you, Link?  Inside Jabu Jabu?  In the cavern?

Filename: AndDisappearsInAFlash.jpg
Size: 8 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: And there goes Shiek, mysterious as ever.

Filename: AndHere'sThePitch!.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Tossing Link around... nothing new.

Filename: AndIt'sGood!.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Defeated a poe...

Filename: AndIt'sIngoInTheLead....jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Racing around the horse pen.

Filename: AndSwallowsLink.jpg
Size: 9 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Time-traveling...

Filename: AnEvenLargerRedSpin.jpg
Size: 15 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: No comment.

Filename: AnEvenMoreDisgruntledIngo.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Ingo looks terrible!  Look at those eyes!  Get some sleep, you maniac!

Filename: AnEvilSkullApproaches.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Forest Temple.  We still have the red-corners target markers here.

Filename: AnEvilSkulltula.jpg
Size: 17 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Forest Temple, in one of the first few corridors.  Our first picture of a skulltula.

Filename: AnIcyCavern.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: The Ice Cavern.

Filename: AnotherBurrower.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: No comments.

Filename: APDoor.jpg
Size: 16 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: I think Link is also in the Deku Tree in this picture, but I have absolutely no clue where.  I'd also like to know what that "p" symbol on the door is for.

Filename: ArmosKnights.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: I think this is Dodongo's Cavern, but it's hard to tell.  The awful blue map is back (I'm so glad they didn't decide to keep it).  Again, Link has infinite ammo.

Filename: AtTheCastle.jpg
Size: 18 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Link has absolutely nothing equipped except a sword and shield and he's already at the castle!  Worse yet, the guards don't care that a little kid is standing in front of the castle drawbridge!  What do they get paid for?

Filename: AtTheCastle2.jpg
Size: 58 KB
Source: IGN64.com

Filename: AtTheCastle3.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Taking a dip in the moat.

Filename: AWhisperOfTheTriforce.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: A fairy fountain, or the infamous "Unicorn Fountain."  The Triforce symbol seems oddly placed, almost off center.  I would really need to see this in animation to tell if this was more of an illusion or indeed a marking of the Triforce on the stone.

Filename: BabaBattle1.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: N64.com
Comments: A picture of Link fighting a Deku Baba.

Filename: BabaBattle2.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: N64.com
Comments: Same here.

Filename: BabyEponaLooksUp.jpg
Size: 15 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: A rather cute picture of Epona as a filly.

Filename: BackAlley.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Same as ours, but what looks like a lamppost is on the right.  No clue why it's there or why they took it out.

Filename: BackAlley2.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: There's another lamppost, though we can see the top of this one.  I know for a fact they took this out, but why?  It would actually have been neat to see candle-lit lamps in the back alley at night!

Filename: BattleScene.jpg
Size: 9 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: What's Link targeting?  I would say the large Lizalfo, but the target looks too far to the right to be the Lizalfo.  Weird!

Filename: BeamAttack1.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Cool attack, it's a pity they took it out.  I'd like to know how Link jumped, especially since we never see the command "Jump" on the action button in our game, and the only jumping link does is automatic.

Filename: BeamAttack2.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Refer to Beam Attack 1.jpg for source and comments.

Filename: BeamAttack3.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Now we have the Navi command on the action button.  I know that they had the Navi action with text for a long time, and I believe it's in the Japanese game.

Filename: BehindTOT...IThink.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Unknown (V symbol)
Comments: I think this is a picture of Child Link behind the Temple of Time.  After all, we know for a fact that you, at some point in the beta version, could go down that path next to the Temple of Time, since the floor is solid and a barrier exists at the end.  This picture seems awfully blurry and the dimensions aren't proportional to the TV screen (320x240), but the detail makes forgery unlikely, especially since the Deku Sticks and Slingshot still are unlimited.

Filename: BlindGuards.jpg
Size: 17 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: I think the castle level was WAY too easy.  All of the guards acted like they were blind and deaf, especially when Link jumps onto those stairs in the hedge section before the one showed on this screenshot (the only one with rupees).  They really could've done a better job here.

Filename: BlueBeam.jpg
Size: 9 KB
Source: Next Generation
Comments: Nothing new.

Filename: BlueBeam2.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Next Generation

Filename: BlueBeam3.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Source: Next Generation

Filename: BlueCharge.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Link's charged up to blue status here.  BUT... take a GOOD, loong look at this picture and you will see two things that are wrong.  1) The poe has gone partially through the wall (they always do that, but they shouldn't), and 2) you can see the sky in the lower righthand corner.  That's a camera-polygon glitch, one that happens way too often in this game.  But why would they have that in their screenshot?

Filename: BlueSpin.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Still wish they kept that map in.

Filename: BlueSpin2.jpg
Size: 15 KB
Source: Nintendo Power

Filename: BombFlowerDemo.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Link is now going to demonstrate to us how to use a bomb.  First stand in front of the bomb flower in question.

Filename: BombFlowerDemo2.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Press A to grab the bomb and raise it over your head.

Filename: BombFlowerDemo3.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: When the bomb begins to glow red, throw by pressing A and run like mad (away from the bomb, not towards it!).

Filename: BombFlowerDemo4.jpg
Size: 38 KB
Source: IGN64.com
Comments: The bomb will explode when time runs out in a colorful plume of dust.

Filename: BombFlowerDemo5.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: It's a big explosion, so be sure you're at a safe distance.

Filename: BoomerangDemo.jpg
Size: 6 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Now Link will demonstrate how we use the boomerang.

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