A+B Reversed

Showing 101-150 out of 340.  Page [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]

Filename: EponaAtTheRanch6.jpg
Size: 10 KB

Filename: EponaAtTheRanch7.jpg
Size: 9 KB
Comments: I have no idea what those things are near Link's head.

Filename: EponaNeighs.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: IGN64.com
Comments: A pretty picture, but I have no idea where Link is facing.  From the looks of the map, Link is facing Death Mountain, but I don't see Death Mountain's cloud "halo."  That fence bugs me too.  Is it blocking the moat?

Filename: EvenLargerRedSpin.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: This is near end-production, so the spin is nearly alike to ours.

Filename: Evil-lookingSkull.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Nintendo Power Source
Comments: Forest Temple, in one of the corridors.

Filename: Ew...She'sInPieces!.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power Source
Comments: A poe dissolving to nothingness.  Funny how violence must be used against a manisfestation of anger and violence.

Filename: Fado.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Next Generation
Comments: This is Fado, one of the Kokiri characters, presumably Mido's sister or something along those lines.  Since her name also bears a musical connection, she may have originally been the one to give and teach Link the ocarina instead of Saria, or perhaps Link retreived the ocarina from Fado and learned Saria's Song from Saria (obviously).
More Info: Fado is actually in the game, though they've changed her tunic to the normal Kokiri green.  They never say her name or that she's Mido's sister, except in one case where if you wear the Mask of Truth and talk to her (or any freakish mask, for that matter) she'll get creeped out and say she'll tell Mido (who never sees the masks at all).  She plays a rather mysterious role in the game, really...

Filename: FatCow,Perhaps.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Source: Unknown
Comments: The filename is referring to the white thing in the lower-left hand part of the picture.  It might be a person in a kneeling position, Zelda's horse (it's mane was red at that time), or the fat cow you could win from the ranch.  If there was a bigger picture available, it would be easier to tell.  Okay, I know now, after reading an article, that this was a horse.  It also becomes much clearer in this larger screenshot.

Filename: FireTemple.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power Source
Comments: The Fire Temple.  This would almost count as released edition if it weren't for the A and B buttons.

Filename: FleeingZelda.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Next Generation
Comments: Two pictures above, I mentioned Zelda's horse's mane was red, and here's the proof.  Don't bother checking your game, they switched it to gray afterwards.  Impa's clothing also looks different, but I'm not too sure about that.

Filename: FleeingZelda2.jpg
Size: 9 KB

Filename: FleeingZelda3.jpg
Size: 9 KB

Filename: FleeingZelda4.jpg
Size: 7 KB

Filename: FleeingZelda5.jpg
Size: 8 KB

Filename: FleeingZelda6.jpg
Size: 11 KB

Filename: FloatingInAir.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Nintendo Power Source
Comments: The Chamber of the Sages in mid-production.

Filename: ForestTemple.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power Source
Comments: No comment.

Filename: ForestTempleCorridor.jpg
Size: 37 KB
Source: IGN64.com
Comments: We're at the point where we could recreate this screenshot except for the sword on A.

Filename: FountainOfRain.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power Source
Comments: The Unicorn fountain... whatever happened to it?  It was much better than what we got...

Filename: FountainViewedInC-Up.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power Source
Comments: The walls and water look a lot like our great fairy fountains, but I don't understand the symbolism of the unicorns.  If you look especially hard at the base of the unicorn in the middle, you can see the Triforce.  This place baffles me as to it's purpose, though it may have been an earlier version of our great fairy fountains.  It doesn't really make sense, though, for all the razzle dazzle.  It probably served a higher purpose.

Filename: GallopingIntoTheMarket!.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power Source
Comments: Link's entering the Market with Epona!  I wonder what that was like!

Filename: GanondorfInTheFire.jpg
Size: 8 KB
Source: Nintendo Power Source
Comments: The Deku Tree talking about Ganondorf.

Filename: GanondorfInTheFire2.jpg
Size: 29 KB
Source: IGN64.com

Filename: GanondorfMustBeStopped.jpg
Size: 14 KB
Source: Nintendo Power Source
Comments: I can't make out the Japanese words, but we definitely know what Zelda is talking about.  I just want to know what Link is looking at.

Filename: GerudoTrainingCenter.jpg
Size: 15 KB
Source: Next Generation
Comments: They're using Z-targeting here to show the bow and arrow, and Link is obviously in the Gerudo Training Center.

Filename: GohmaBattle1.jpg
Size: 9 KB
Source: N64.com
Comments: Link meets Gohma...

Filename: GohmaBattle2.jpg
Size: 17 KB

Filename: GohmaBattle3.jpg
Size: 13 KB

Filename: GohmaBattle4.jpg
Size: 13 KB

Filename: GohmaBattle5.jpg
Size: 16 KB
Comments: We've seen Gohma before, but this is the first time we've seen her with Child Link.

Filename: GohmaBattle6.jpg
Size: 14 KB

Filename: GohmaBattle7.jpg
Size: 14 KB

Filename: GorgeousSunset.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: The reed whistle is on C-Right... speaking of which... does anyone suspect that the reed whistle might still be in our game?  After all, the programmers could have up to 255 different items (256 being none)!  It's amazing what you can find when you look long and hard enough.

Filename: Goron.jpg
Size: 17 KB
Source: NEXT Generation
Comments: The bomb has a funky pink and turquoise color.  Weird!

Filename: GoronAndBomb.jpg
Size: 40 KB
Source: IGN64.com
Comments: That Goron's neck looks awful, but other than that there aren't any major changes here.

Filename: Grotto.jpg
Size: 17 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: It looks like Link is in the Royal Family's tomb, but a treasure chest is in front of the wall that should have the poem written on it.  I wonder if that used to hold the hookshot?

Filename: HeLunges.jpg
Size: 16 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Forest Temple, obviously, in one of the first corridors.  Note that the Ocarina of Time is equipped, just like it should be (so why did they keep switching it around?  Weird.).

Filename: HiSaria.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Unknown
Comments: This is Link meeting Saria for the first time.  The message box is semi-transparent and white, pretty much the earliest type of textbox we see for this game.  I'll translate the Japanese text to the best of my ability, but I'm no expert here.
Watashiga Kokirikono Saria!
Yoroshikune... jara!
I am Saria of KokiriForest!
Well... bye!
The bold text is Romanji, and underneath is English.  The red words (ko, jara, Forest, and bye) are educated guesses: the fourth red symbol in the screenshot is too blurry to really make out; the translation of that symbol is most likely Forest; and jara wasn't in my dictionary, so I assumed it was bye.  If you can help, please e-mail me.

Filename: Impa!.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: At least... I think it's Impa...

Filename: Ingo'sManyHorses.jpg
Size: 15 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: This is pretty late in the game's development.  Ingo and the environment looks exactly alike, the ocarina is screwed up (see what I mean?  Back and forth, back and forth!), the B button is translated, the map is translucent blue.

Filename: InsideDekuTree.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: The color is turned up way to high here, and I would lower it if it wasn't marked.  Oh well.  Obviously the Deku Tree (map), I can't tell exactly what part of the Deku Tree Link's in.  How much the Deku Tree dungeon has changed from then to now is beyond me, but would really help.

Filename: InsideTheCastle.jpg
Size: 11 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Nothing of interest here, except that the B button says "Navi," whereas ours remains blank (though it should say "Navi" anyways).

Filename: JabuJabu'sMouth.jpg
Size: 13 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: The one level that didn't make sense to me.  Why in the world would anyone want to make some poor fish's stomach a dungeon?  Anyways, this is the room with the teeth, judging by the walls and the door.  There seems to be a lot more bubbles, though.  There's something really strange, though, in this picture.  Found it yet?  Check now, then highlight this sentence and drag down one or two lines for the answer.
Link has the Ocarina of Time equipped on C-Right!  How?  I suppose he could have already beaten the first three dungeons and then grabbed the ocarina, but that doesn't seem like Nintendo's style.  Probably just part of the Beta Quest.  Also, I've noticed just now that almost all of the screenshots with Child Link have the same glitch, so don't bother pointing that one out.  I'd appreciate any comments you have about this strange picture.

Filename: JealousNavi.jpg
Size: 41 KB
Source: IGN64.com
Comments: Neat lighting effects back there!  You can definitely tell we're in the Deku Tree in this picture.  The long brown line is a Deku Stick obviously.  I have no idea what else I can make out from this picture, though.  Especially where Link is.

Filename: Kakariko.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: A very primitive tree back there, and the scrubs are slightly larger, but otherwise this nearly looks like our Kakariko, if it weren't for that house right in front of Link.

Filename: KidInTree.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: I believe we are now closer to that room with the cool lighting effects (see Jealous Navi.jpg above).  I have no idea why the rupees are hovering or why the blue and white magic is there.  Note that Link has nothing equipped to C-Right (there was always a slingshot or the Ocarina of Time in C-Right).

Filename: Knee-DeepIn...Yuck!.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: Everything's buried in red goo (not a good sign for Jabu Jabu, or Link for that matter)!  The treasure chest is buried up to its lid and we can only see Link from the knees up.  Wonder what this room was (hopefully not the heart)?

Filename: KnightsInTheCavern.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Source: Nintendo Power
Comments: This most likely is Dodongo's Cavern (or something along those lines), but if it is, it's a room I've never seen before.  I don't believe the Armos knights were there, either (except one of the secret rooms, but this definitely isn't it).

Filename: KnightsInTheCavern2.jpg
Size: 10 KB
Comments: Link's doing a spin attack here.  The hit marks (the yellow lines) are still pretty bad.

Filename: KnightsInTheCavern3.jpg
Size: 10 KB

Showing 101-150 out of 340.  Page [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]