Pre-Released Version
Filename: AdultLinkCatchesAFish.jpg
Size: 25 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Well... I'd say it weighs about 5 pounds, want to throw
it back in?
Filename: BackAlley.jpg
Size: 32 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Well, the lamppost is gone, the only way you can tell it's
the pre-released version is by Navi's wings.
Filename: BigYawn.jpg
Size: 19 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Again, Navi's wings are our only clue here.
Filename: CaughtAFish.gif
Size: 25 KB
Source: Unknown
Comments: Strange screenshot... has an added border and the N64 icon
on the right, the colors are a bit grainy, and Navi's wings aren't visible.
I've put it under this section mainly as a guess.
Filename: DeathMountain.jpg
Size: 25 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: This is during the cutscene where Impa tells Link about
Kakariko Village and Death Mountain.
Filename: DumbfoundedLink.jpg
Size: 16 KB
Source: Name Unknown (tracking down at this time)
Comments: Nothing new.
Filename: FieryFury.jpg
Size: 25 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: This was one of the hardest bosses I ever battled in the
game until I realized you could just stand next to the wall and he'd roll
right by without getting a scratch. Either way, there's nothing different
here. Compare the quality and detail of this screenshot with the earlier
stuff (best if compared to Early Testing, A+B+C Old Style,
and More Detailed Work). There are only a few screenshots that
were made back then that even came close to this!
Filename: FrozenLink.jpg
Size: 30 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Three ice sculptures are freezing him while a forth one
moves in. Hmmm... how would Link get out of this one?
Filename: GanonMustBeStopped!.jpg
Size: 28 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: I tried translating this text before, but since I barely
know Japanese and have a terrible Japanese dictionary, I couldn't get far.
Anyways, it's probably nothing new.
Filename: ImpaTalksToLink.jpg
Size: 24 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Same here. Also, it may not seem obvious that
Link is talking to Impa except for the fact that you can see a little bit
of Yoshi's picture in the lower-righthand corner.
Filename: Jabu'sParasite.jpg
Size: 24 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: This screenshot would be under A+B Reversed if it
weren't for the fact that the A and B buttons are in the "right" places.
Again, the battle marker is the four red corners, and the icon for the boomerang
is more red and colorful.
Filename: JapaneseIntro.jpg
Size: 27 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: This is one of the few screenshots which can be viewed in
the released version as well. Just enter in the Japanese Text code
via Gameshark (if you're using the Zelda rom, use the code for Version 1.0)
and watch.
Filename: LearnTheSong.jpg
Size: 22 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: This would be in Released Version if it weren't for
the fact that Japanese Text was still default.
Filename: LearnedSaria'sSong.jpg
Size: 22 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Link just learned Saria's Song, with the green leaves effect
most likely there by default, but as you know, Link cannot gain the bracelet
until after he plays Saria's Song to Darunia. A little backwards, don't
you think?
Filename: LearnedZelda'sLullaby.jpg
Size: 23 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Again, Link has the Goron Bracelet early, but this is beta
(not much of an excuse). This time Link has learned Zelda's Lullaby.
Filename: PlayingASong.jpg
Size: 21 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Same case here. This screenshot most likely followed
after the one above.
Filename: PlayingHerHeartOut.jpg
Size: 16 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Saria is a very mysterious character in this game.
She has some telepathic powers (like Zelda, except Saria uses the ocarina),
plays a song that the whole land dances to, becomes the Sage of the Forest,
and always refers to herself in third-person. She says "Saria and Link
will always be friends." or something along those lines if you talk to her
in her house (there's only one tiny point in the game where you'll find Saria
in her house). We know that she was developed when Fado was, but Fado
was taken out. Saria couldn't have replaced her, because she already
Filename: RudeLink.jpg
Size: 26 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Hmmm! An interesting screenshot, don't you
think? Obviously Impa has no problem wearing skin-tight clothes, and
right in front of her is an eleven-year-old who is staring directly ahead
at her hip, and not at her face. Why isn't she slapping Link silly
or telling him that her head is a bit higher than that?
Filename: SariaAndLink.jpg
Size: 26 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: I'm not going to try and translate this, since I've only
been partially successful once. A translator would be really
helpful, digital or live!
Filename: Saria'sFace.jpg
Size: 21 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Nothing of interest here.
Filename: SaveTheTriforce.jpg
Size: 23 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Just to let you know, the red text translates to "Three
Spiritual Stones.".
Filename: StartledZelda.jpg
Size: 17 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Zelda's nose is barely visible in this screenshot, and her
eyebrows aren't all that good. The funky guards are still there too.
Filename: TheBlueLight.jpg
Size: 18 KB
Source: N64.COM
Comments: Deku Tree, just when Link is picked up and brought back
Filename: TheDesperateFish.jpg
Size: 19 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Odd! Link is clearly fishing, but the C buttons and
B buttons are still normal, the sword is still equipped, and the A button
shows what it always shows!
Filename: TheTransformedFamily.jpg
Size: 26 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: This screenshot is a perfect example of the level
of detail in this game. Just look at the floor, walls, webs, faces,
even the back of the shield!
Filename: TranslucentStones.jpg
Size: 9 KB
Source: Nintendo Power Source
Comments: I wasn't quite sure where to put this one, and I am still
not sure. But, it doesn't make that big of a deal, so it's here.
Filename: WeirdC's.gif
Size: 35 KB
Source: Unknown (possibly AOH)
Comments: This was scanned off of an issue of Nintendo Power (I did
not scan this photo. I am merely presenting it for informational use
only) with Zelda being the top N64 game (it held the record for a long time,
too). Note that there are four impossibilities in the picture: 1) the
Master Sword is equipped, 2) the Arrows of Light are equipped, 3) the Hookshot
is equipped, and 4) the Megaton Hammer is equipped. All of these items
are equipped by Kid Link when they can only be used by Adult Link.
The map is exactly like the released version. Was this taken with a
beta version, did they use Gameshark or some other device, or did they simply
know something we didn't (not likely)? The mystery deepens.
Filename: ZeldaBeckonsToLink.jpg
Size: 23 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: As you should know, this is a different camera angle than
usual, because we are looking through the window on the other side when Link
walks up to it in the released version. Navi's wings, of course, are
a dead giveaway.
Filename: Zelda'sStory.jpg
Size: 23 KB
Source: IGN64
Comments: Triforce story.
If you have any other screenshots that would fit under this section, please
e-mail it or the location of the screenshot to the webmaster.