Beta Quest Findings

Most of these screenshots are exclusive to this site.  However, there are still a couple from Z:TL, of which are marked and linked.

Filename: all3.jpg
Size: 86 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: This is part of the "See All Three Goddesses" trick which can be found in the Beta Quest Findings section back on the Beta Zelda 64 section.

Filename: altkak1.jpg
Size: 119 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: A picture of an alternate version of Kakariko Village.

Filename: altkak2.jpg
Size: 87 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: The supposedly "missing" lady.  You can actually find her in the Market as a kid, near the hunched over man in front of the bombchu bowling alley.

Filename: desertree.jpg
Size: 33 KB
Source: Zelda: The Legacy
Comments: An oddity for sure... a normal tree in the desert in the real game, in Hyrule Field (according to the map)!!  The map tells us that either we've left the Beta Quest or we started normally, and I believe they had the Lens of Truth on, but the picture's really blurry.  I'm not sure if they found this in the Desert or Colossus, but it's unusual, that's for sure!

Filename: farore.jpg
Size: 98 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: This is what Farore looks like when you go to the forest in the Beta Quest.

Filename: gorons.jpg
Size: 92 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: A beta version of Goron City.

Filename: ice1.jpg
Size: 115 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: This is from Beta Quest 0.  To see the hidden platform, head to Zora's Domain.  You'll be in Zora's Fountain.  Go to the Ice Cavern (you may need Moonjump).  You'll arrive in front of this room.  Enter and you'll find the platform.  The door is also the kind used in the Deku Tree and Forest Temple.

Filename: ice2.jpg
Size: 121 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: The door is identical to the one in the true Beta screenshots of the ice room!  Look at the screenshot next to it and you'll see what I'm talking about!  So the true Beta stuff is still in there, or at least some of it!

Filename: ice3.jpg
Size: 26 KB
Source: Zelda: The Legacy
Comments: This is what happens when you exit the room and head downwards.  My guess is that it's a palette rotation glitch, but I have no idea why.

Filename: JabuJabu.jpg
Size: 80 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: This is what it looks like when using the "See the Ocarina Pedestal" trick for Zelda on N64.

Filename: kaklingfire1.jpg
Size: 78 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: Kakariko Village on fire.

Filename: kaklingfire2.jpg
Size: 100 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: What it looks like when you walk around in Kakariko while it's on fire.

Filename: kingroom.jpg
Size: 34 KB
Source: Zelda: The Legacy
Comments: Though you don't have to be in the Beta Quest to enter the King's Chamber, you do if you are an adult, like this screenshot.  As you can see, it's fairly dull and to the left you get a glimpse of the dismal nothingness surrounding the chamber.

Filename: moonjump.jpg
Size: 32 KB
Source: Zelda: The Legacy
Comments: Zelda's Garden, beta quest, with Link moonjumping over the wall.  This screenshot is one of the very few screenshots from Z:TL that are this clear.

Filename: nayru.jpg
Size: 90 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: The yellow debug line is there, I know, but that's Nayru!

Filename: OddGrass.jpg
Size: 31 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: This is a glitch that occurs when playing Zelda 64 on UltraHLE using a nVidia graphics card.  This texture is somewhat similar in appearance to what shows up in Kokiri Forest in Beta Quest 0, but is still different.  I realize there are a couple discrepancies with the screenshot (Fairy Ocarina, A and B have the same text), but these are caused by Gameshark codes I had used.  The texture is hard to see because the camera must be facing the right angle in the right place or else it won't work.  I do not know if this occurs on any other graphics cards, and I know that you cannot see this glitch on the cartridge version.

Filename: OddGrass2.jpg
Size: 30 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina

Filename: OddGrass3.jpg
Size: 30 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: UltraHLE also seems to have problems making Navi using the nVidia card.  She's always white, and her wings don't disappear behind the ball of light, like they should.

Filename: OddGrass4.jpg
Size: 31 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina

Filename: ome1.jpg
Size: 100 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: Another Beta Quest find (0001).  Again, the procedure to see this is described in the Findings section.

Filename: ome2.jpg
Size: 101 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: You can talk to Malon, but not the owl.  And of course, you can't ride Epona.

Filename: Quest1Domain1.jpg
Size: 31 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: This is the first of a long series of screenshots taken in Zora's Fountain in Beta Quest 1.  It is impossible to access this place unless you're using the ROM, and even then you have to use the Specific Things Lean code in order to walk around the place.  In this picture, nothing seems unusual except for a pad in front of Link.

Filename: Quest1Domain2.jpg
Size: 29 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: This is about as close as you can get on the pad without freezing the game (no error is given to debug).  It's best to do this as Kid Link, since he walks slower and can get you closer easily without freezing.  We can just barely tell that the symbol on top is an ocarina.

Filename: Quest1Domain3.jpg
Size: 25 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: Now you can really see the pedestal.  Jabu Jabu still seems normal, and we can see two tektites in the back.

Filename: Quest1Domain4.jpg
Size: 34 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: An even better view of the pedestal.  This is a rather daring screenshot since the camera has zoomed out so far.  As some people who have tried this trick out know, the game freezes entirely if anything leaves that platform, including the camera.  There is only one known way to leave the platform without using the Specific Things Lean code, but it is extremely difficult to do.  It is detailed under Beta Quest Findings if you wish to know more.

Filename: Quest1Domain5.jpg
Size: 24 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: This is a screenshot taken during a game freeze.  Kid Link has jumped onto the platform and just started to land when the game froze.

Filename: Quest1Domain6.jpg
Size: 29 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: When most people approach the pad, they find that Link makes a strange jump before he touches the pad.  Most of the time the game freezes when he is in mid-air.  Child Link will now demonstrate why.  Using a bomb, Child Link has approached the very edge of the area where Link usually jumps.

Filename: Quest1Domain7.jpg
Size: 29 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: Having laid the bomb, Child Link discovers that it's fallen right through the floor.  You can see a little bit of the fuse in between Link's boots in the screenshot.  Apparently, a small amount of the platform isn't solid!

Filename: Quest1Domain8.jpg
Size: 20 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: Remember what I said earlier about how Link could leave the platform but it was extremely difficult?  This is a screenshot of Link when he does so.  You can only go this far.  As I said, anything that moves outside of the platform freezes the game, including octoroks and tektites.  Unless you have Specific Things Lean on, this little octorok will freeze the game.

Filename: Quest1Domain9.jpg
Size: 18 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: This is also a screenshot of that procedure I told you about.  Here we can see Jabu Jabu's mouth and the two tektites.  This is about as close as you can get to them without the aforementioned code.

Filename: Quest1Domain10.jpg
Size: 19 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: As I said, that little octorok is a curse!  Even when Link is underwater, the octorok can and will pop out and will freeze the game.

Filename: Quest1Domain11.jpg
Size: 20 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: What the?  What's up with Jabu Jabu's tail?  Doesn't it seem a bit... bigger than usual?

Filename: Quest1Domain12.jpg
Size: 19 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: Voila!  The answer to all of our questions!  Look at the flippers on the left and right.  Notice anything... unusual about them?

Filename: Quest1Domain13.jpg
Size: 27 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: Hah!  I bet you expected me to tell you the answer!  Not yet!  This is what it looks like with the Specific Things Lean code on.  Notice that Link can now stand on the platform without freezing the game!

Filename: Quest1Domain14.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: No answer yet!  Instead, another cool glitch!  While there (with the Specific Things Lean code on), play the Song of Storms.  Everything turns darkish-green!  Neat!

Filename: Quest1Domain15.jpg
Size: 9 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: No, this is not a blank screenshot!  This is what it looks like after you play the Song of Storms!  If you can, turn up your monitor's contrast and brightness to full.  If you still can't see it well enough, use a graphics-editing program and brighten it, or adjust your display properties to brighten (if possible).  If you can't see it or having problems trying to see it, don't worry about it, it's nothing big.

Filename: Quest1Domain16.jpg
Size: 21 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: This is what it looks like as the storm fades away.

Filename: Quest1Domain17.jpg
Size: 22 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: Tada!  The best for last!  This is your answer for everything!  I believe it's the reason why the cartridge game freezes, and why the ROM version is so jumpy.  Kinda weird and freaky, isn't it?  Two Jabu Jabus!  Inside each other!  Go figure!

Filename: sheik1.jpg
Size: 96 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: A rare sight!  Who thought Child Link and Sheik would be together!

Filename: sheik2.jpg
Size: 102 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: As you can clearly see, Sheik's eyes are red, unlike the older beta screenshots.

Filename: theend.jpg
Size: 92 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: You can Z-Target Zelda, but she won't look at you or say anything.

Filename: trionyourhand.jpg
Size: 17 KB
Source: Zelda's Secret Ocarina
Comments: This is part of the "Triforce on Your Hand" trick.  This is what you see when you spin around in C-Up.  In Versions 1.1 and 1.2, you don't see "The End".

If you have any other screenshots that would fit under this section, please e-mail it or the location of the screenshot to the webmaster.