Arwing Enemy

Finally, the real reason why Starfox textures were found in OOT!
81244124 013B
812442C4 013B 812447A4 013B Actor Modifier (Kokiri Forest)
81244132 0000
812442D2 0000 812447B2 0000 Variable Modifier (Kokiri Forest)
8011B92F 0000
8011BAEF 0000 8011BFDF 0000 Interface Always On
8011B9E3 0000
8011BBA3 0000
8011C093 0000
Beta Quest
D01C84B5 0010
801DB258 0042
D01C8675 0010
801DB418 0042
D01C8D75 0010
801DB908 0042
Press R to Run Fast
8011A5D7 0001
8011A797 0001
8011AC87 0001
Young Link Mode

WARNING: Use of these codes may cause game instability and/or crashes.  We cannot be held responsible if you lose any saved data while using these codes.

  1. Start the game. You will find yourself in Hyrule Field as an adult, the game already loaded.
  2. Run to Kokiri Forest.
  3. A cutscene will automatically start showing the Arwing.  It will then begin attacking you.

Explanation/Speculation: Originally found by Zelda Chaos and an external hacker, the Arwing is a fully-functional enemy that will fly around the area, shooting you intermittently with laser beams (sound effects included!).  If you manage to hit it enough, it'll plummet to the ground and explode into fiery debris.  A must-see for all Zelda fans!