Hidden Temple of Time Cutscene

Watch one of the four secret cutscenes for the Temple of Time!
Version 1.0 NTSC
Version 1.1 NTSC
Version 1.2 NTSC
8011B9E3 0000 - Beta Quest
8011BBA3 0000 - Beta Quest
8011C093 0000 - Beta Quest
D01C84B4 0008
8111B9E4 0F0F
- Cutscene Activator
D01C8674 0008
8111BBA4 0F0F
- Cutscene Activator
D01C8B74 0008
8111C094 0F0F
- Cutscene Activator
8011B92F 0000 - Interface Always ON
8011BAEF 0000 - Interface Always ON
8011BFDF 0000 - Interface Always ON
D01C84B5 0010
8111B930 0000
D01C84B5 0010
8011B932 0007
- Level Version Modifier
D01C8675 0010
8111BAF0 0000
D01C8675 0010
8011BAF2 0007
- Level Version Modifier
D01C8B75 0010
8111BFF0 0000
D01C8B75 0010
8111BFF2 0007
- Level Version Modifier
  1. You'll begin in Hyrule Field with the interface active.  Run into the Market Ruins.
  2. Head towards the Temple of Time and hold down the L button as you enter.
  3. Press D-Up inside the temple.  The cutscene will now begin!
The weird thing about this beta cutscene is that the Spiritual Stones don't rise out of Link and the special Song of Time music doesn't play.