
There are many Zelda sites out there with lots of valuable information and fun activities, as well as a more in-depth view of certain aspects of Zelda 64 and the Zelda series. Though Ocarina of Time has begun fading more into obscurity, these sites still hold lots of stuff about Ocarina of Time or the Legend of Zelda series, much of it being priceless... in my opinion.  Go ahead, check them out, there are some really cool sites out there!

Our Affiliates

Our friendly host and service provider.  This site is for gaming site is for fans of all realms, from the PlayStation to the GameCube.  They have a lot of cool stuff and are still growing!  Make sure to check it out!  Thank you a million for the server!

in reality, this website is being hosted by 000webhost which is a free hosting site. They are the ones I decided to upload this tribute site to

Zelda Chaos

An excellent site that contains nearly as much information as Zelda Headquarters did, including every single Zelda game made!  This is a wonderful site and is THE site for glitches.  You have to check this one out, it's awesome!

Zelda Power
Remade for your viewing pleasure!  Zelda Power has a large community and recently reposted their Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask information.  At the time of this posting (03/15/2006), these were the only games with information up, but it will be updated.  There's lots of news, features, and contests there, so it's definitely worth a visit!


Child_Link_of_Zelda's Website - Has some great info on Zelda and other games, as well as codes for Zelda's IV, V, and VI.  Thank you for contributing!
link dead


IGN64.COM- One of the few commercial sites left with a section devoted to the N64!  Visit IGN's main website for the most recent news in the gaming world.

Big Sites

The Hylia
link also dead
A site devoted to the entire series of Zelda.  Although their game links don't seem to be working, they have a lot of excellent editorials and features that I would recommend to every Zelda fan.
Update: This website is essentially Zelda Headquarters 2, albeit with less Ocarina of Time content than it had before (currently close to nil).  Be not afraid, however!  All of the screenshots were added to our library long ago, and I have all of the articles still saved onto my computer, which I will release at a later date.

 Abstrusness of Hyrule- This used to be a great site full of wonderful info and tons of stuff, but they closed it down, so there's only some stuff left.  It kinda stinks now, but you can go ahead and visit the remains. (The link has long since died.)

The Odyssey of Hyrule
A big Zelda site entirely devoted to Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  They have lots of stuff and plenty of insightful info, and with the Millenium Blowout, you can also find a whole bunch of cool codes and stuff there.  I highly recommend visiting this site, it's really cool!

another dead link ):

Useful Stuff Not Related to Zelda

AdBlock - Quite possibly one of the best programs one could ever have, this program will automatically go through every webpage you open and remove any ads it finds.  On top of that, it can suppress pop-ups, prevent sites from screwing up your mouse, keep sites from knowing where you came from, and even has a proxy scrambler.  Very, very cool.

Ad-Aware - Once you've got AdMuncher, stop by here and download Ad-Aware (or better yet, buy it!!).  It'll take out all of the tracker bugs, evil cookies, spyware, and adware that takes residence in your computer.  It works beautifully, it's very dependable, and can spare you many a headache.

Gibson Research Corporation - A privately-owned company, the GRC performs research on tons of different major computing issues and informs the public about the latest issues.  It's been responsible for saving people's hard drives, protecting web servers from hack attacks, and has covered Microsoft's butt from time to time.  I highly recommend you stop by here.  It's got everything you ever wanted to know about Internet security and a whole lot more.