Zelda's Secret Ocarina

Welcome to Zelda's Secret Ocarina (ZSO), where we are determined to bring to you Zelda: Ocarina of Time, in its entirety. We have a major feature, Beta Zelda, which is what Zelda: Ocarina of Time may have been during pre-production. We also have screenshots, Gameshark codes, Gameshark tricks, and several links to the other great Zelda sites out there.  Please note that we will give full credit to all people and sites that provide information, and that we do not claim other people's findings as our own.  You can see our findings on the same pages, however, in which credit will go to ZSO or the staff member that finds the secret.  For more legal information, please see the disclaimer under the menu.  Thanks!

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LATEST NEWS:      (jump to Menu)

Welcome Back
Well, I've reuploaded the website and -most- of it's glory. By most, I mean there's no IRC, forums, etc. Many of the missing pages/never completed pages, I just left a note saying the page was never made and made it non-clickable (emails were also removed), but the rest is still there, go check it all out! Hope you have fun reminiscing!
Aug 13 2013 by Savestate

We're back online, and just in time for Spring Break!!!
The forums are now available and better than ever, so feel free to check them out!  IRC chat is currently hosted on Freenode.net and is set to Invite Only, so message one of the staff from the forums if you'd like to be invited in.  This is a temporary measure, of course, and we will probably drop the invitation lock after a week or two.
Mar 12 2008 by MNGoldenEagle

Content Management Powered by CuteNews
Codes -- Code searcher, cartridge codes, and ROM codes!  Each fully explained with helpful screenshots! Tricks -- Nifty tricks put in the game by Nintendo to help you as you play!
Glitches -- Bugs are rampant in this game, and we don't mean the crawly ones! Procedures -- Special procedures that everyone with a Gameshark should get to know.
Q & A -- You ask questions, we write answers. Links -- Some other excellent Zelda sites!
Beta Zelda 64 -- Contains items, screenshots, codes, findings, and storylines!
Zelda 2000 -- Discover the secrets within Majora's Mask!
Zelda DD -- Nintendo's gift to gamers everywhere! Celda -- Finding the secrets to Nintendo's newest legacy!
Message Board -- Visit the Zelda Coalition and see what else is going on in the world of Zelda! IRC Chat -- Where all the cool fans hang out!
Hacking Progs

Not available at the moment:
Learn the secrets of the other classic, the "Link to the Past!" We've got more!  Check out CLoZ's LA section!

DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT: By entering this site, you agree that the following terms are to your satisfaction:  (a) all material on this site is subject to removal at any time, (b) all material on this site is public domain, and may be distributed unless the material did not originate from Zelda's Secret Ocarina, (c) if you are a Nintendo staff member, law enforcer, or other person that may take offense at this site, then you may only enter as long as it is understood that no material presented here is violating any rights, but instead revolves around speculation and public response.  Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Zelda, and Zelda 64 are copyrighted by Nintendo and are here as public response with no infringement intended.  Gameshark is copyrighted by Mad Catz, and is mentioned here only to promote Gameshark usage.  Please be aware of the risks of using the Gameshark with the Zelda cartridge, for many of the codes available, including but not limited to the Beta Quest, can erase files, reset options data, or in extreme cases, cause a total breakdown of the Zelda or Gameshark cartridge. By using the Gameshark codes and procedures and/or using the Crooked Cartridge Glitch, you are agreeing that the usage of these codes or glitches may have negative results and are solely responsible for those actions.  ZSO, Nintendo, and Mad Catz are not responsible for any of the above conditions as well.