These are questions that I have received in the mail and replied to.  I have not put up these people's e-mail addresses, for privacy's sake.  Also, all spelling mistakes in these letters have been corrected for readability, but grammatical errors have not been corrected.  Keep the mail coming!

A Note From the Master: The Japanese Zelda code works for some games, and doesn't work for others.  Use it at your own risk!  It should be compatible with most games.  If you find that your game is stuck in Japanese text mode with and without your Gameshark, change the last four digits (the ones that stand alone) to 0000.  This should revert it back to English.  Only a few sites actually say this, but it has been proven to work and can save many a glitched cartridge.

To write your own question, send an e-mail to the webmaster.

Christian Asks Some Excellent Questions:
Why isn't it possible to play the whole beta quest from the start to the end like it was a normal game?
And why doesn't the doors take you to the right place? And why does the game freeze so often?
If the whole Beta Zelda is in the cartridge, why can't I just play the whole Beta Zelda?
How does a GameShark work?
Many questions, but I hope you'll answer them.
Sent: 8/26/02
Reply: Well, you're right.  That is quite a lot of questions, but they're excellent questions to ask.
For starters, the Gameshark is a complicated device that does something relatively simple: altering numbers.  When you start a game with the Gameshark, what is happening is that the Gameshark is manipulating the signals that are sent between the N64 and the cartridge.  These signals control the RAM in the N64, which is the central part of game programming.  The RAM holds all of the code for the game, as well as every single variable the game uses.  These variables control every single aspect of the game, from the number of bombs you have to where Link is standing and what color Navi is.  Normally when you play the game nothing is changing these variables except the game itself and the N64 (timer, controllers, etc.).  However, when you use the Gameshark, it intercepts areas in the memory that you enter in and forces their value to what you want it to be.  So, if you wanted to give Link 30 arrows, you would enter in the memory address that controls how many arrows Link has, and then the number 30 (in hexadecimal format, since memory values are stored in base 16).  The Gameshark will then start the game, but for as long as the game is running, the Gameshark will constantly force you to have 30 arrows.  Because the Gameshark must be continuously forcing the game to give Link 30 arrows, saving the game and playing with the Gameshark will no longer give you the "infinite" effect.
Note: some codes, such as Gold Tunic, can be saved onto your game and used without the Gameshark.  This is because the game doesn't change that variable until you switch tunics.  Other codes have also been known to accidentally be "fused" into the cartridge, causing them to activate even without the Gameshark (mainly, this happens with Japanese Zelda).  This is a rare occurance, though, and the Gameshark can also be used to correct these problems.
The Beta Quest is a rather perplexing mystery, actually.  There are three possibilities as to what the Beta Quest is: 1) a debug/building tool that the programmers had used during development and forgot to remove, 2) a glitch that messes up Zelda's internal location map and causes Link to walk around in uninitialized cutscenes, or 3) a part of the Zelda Level Selector, which still exists on the cartridge (haven't a clue how to activate it).  Either way, though, it's clear that the Beta Quest has allowed us to discover more about Zelda than we had ever suspected before.
The problem with the Beta Quest is that it is pretty much a regular Zelda game gone corrupt.  Link doesn't have a name unless it is in Japanese mode (unless you have the PAL cartridge), your Quest screen shows the default settings (all medallions and special items, no spiritual stones), the map locations are uninitialized (all areas report as Hyrule Field), and you start off as Adult Link without any progress data, which means that though the game sees you as someone with all the medallions, it also thinks you haven't done anything at all in the file.
Another problem: the name Beta Quest can be very misleading.  The Beta Quest and Beta Zelda are totally different things.  Beta Zelda is roughly three years of material, none of it making it into the released version (or so they thought!).  The Beta Quest, though, is more of a shadow of Beta Zelda.  It's not actually Beta Zelda, it's more like the remnants of the beta material that had been removed.  These remnants allow us to see alternate arrangements of the towns, a different Jabu-Jabu's Belly and Zora's Fountain, and a mysterious platform in the Ice Cavern.  But these are just traces of what used to exist... they're not real beta.  The platform in Ice Cavern, the Ocarina platform in Zora's Fountain, and the Wind and Ice Medallions are all real beta (as well as the Triforce transition effect).  The rest isn't.  So, sadly, you cannot play the actual Beta Zelda stuff, nor can you play Beta Zelda from start to finish (considering how many revisions there were, this would probably have been difficult to do anyway).
Having said that, we arrive to your last two questions: why does it freeze so often, and why do so many exits lead to the wrong places?  Depending on what the Beta Quest code really is, the answers vary.
Possibility 1. If it was a debug tool that the programmers had used for cutscene design and area exploration, then the game probably froze often because many of the exits had been undefined by the programmers.  The exits that they had defined, however, were used so they could get to the cutscenes they frequently visited as quick as possible, leaving the one-timers and others in tucked away areas, since they didn't need to use it much.
Possibility 2. If the Beta Quest is actually a glitch, then the game is trying to use an exit map (which the game uses to determine which exit goes to where) that is either outdated or corrupted.  If it's outdated, then most of the locations it attempts to point to are either nonexistent (causing the Address error on save/load messages), or the locations still exist but were made to work with an older graphics engine (causing the TLB error on save/load messages).
Possibility 3. The Beta Quest is actually part of the Zelda Level Selector, which is still stored somewhere in the game.  However, instead of invoking the level selector, we have bypassed it completely and gone straight to Hyrule Field.  But since the level selector had not been initialized, instead of returning to the level selector the game either attempts to use the exit map or it hangs.  This possibility is a little shaky, though, since we haven't discovered the Level Selector yet.
*heaves a sigh* Well, I hope that answers your questions!  Phew!

Tony Seems Baffled: i heve a gray zelda cartridge, also it is one of the rare gray v1.0 (i think because ganondorf blood is red,shiny logo, etc) but i cant get the swordeless link trick, neither get the fishing rod out of the fishing pond, why? are all those tricks only for gold versions?
Sent: 7/31/02
Reply: It seems very strange indeed that your gray 1.0 cartridge doesn't allow you to do these tricks.  To be certain it's 1.0, perform the VGX Debug Glitch and check and see if the compilation date matches the one in this picture:

If it doesn't, then it is possible that you have some strange version of 1.1 that still had red blood and a super-shiny logo.  Otherwise, I'm not sure what's preventing the glitches from working.  The gold cartridge is gold by paint only; a gray 1.0 should be exactly the same as a gold 1.0.

GokuMatt Pleads: I am stuck in the shadow temple. In the room with the dirt pile i can seem to bomb it i tried it millions of times
Sent: 7/26/02
Reply: Okay, it's been a very long time since I've played the Shadow Temple, but if I remember correctly, there's a room where there are several dirt piles and a key.  To find the key, you can bomb the dirt piles or use the Lens of Truth to see through the dirt pile (can't remember which).

Phillip Really Wants to Know: How do u get the last spiritual stone and when are u able to ride at the horse at lon lon ranch??
Sent: 7/24/02
Reply: To get the last spiritual stone, you must first win the rupee-tossing game in Zora's Domain (go up to the king's throne and go left.  Talk to the Zora there and say yes).  When you receive the scale, dive underwater to the small warp tunnel.  You'll arrive in Lake Hylia.  Look around the exit for a bottle underwater.  When you find it, dive down and try to grab it.  Once you have recovered the bottle, return to Zora's Domain and present it to the king.  He'll scoot over and let you pass into Zora's Domain.
As for Epona, you'll be able to ride her when you are grown up.  It costs rupees to ride, and you must stay inside the fence.  If you want to take Epona out of the ranch, you must race and beat Ingo twice around the fence.  Then just jump over the back gates or the front gate.

Hilal Asks Another Classic Question: I wanted to know if there is a way to at least see this "unicorn fountain" in beta mode. Thanks again and keep up the good work.
Sent: 7/19/02
Reply: It is one of the most sought after things, but alas, there has been no sign of the ever-elusive fountain.  Most likely, it was removed too early in the game to have remained on the cartridge.  Of course, if anyone finds the fountain and I see the post or receive it in the mail, I'll list on the site right away.

Jessica Asks the Classic Question: Hi..I've got Zelda Ocarina of Time game and I've been looking around for anything weird I might notice in the game just for fun and I noticed that on the Quest Data(screen where all the medallions,stones,and songs are.) And in the middle of the ring of the medallions I found an empty Triforce Symbol. Does this mean there is a Triforce out there I can find or is it just a myth. I've seen all over websites that have pictures of the Triforce, but I think that the person who puts the picture on the website either fixed the picture where it looks that way or used Gameshark to get it...So in other words, Is there really a Triforce in the game I can obtain or is it just a big fat lie?
Sent: 7/6/02
Reply: Although it does appear on the Quest Data screen, the Triforce cannot be obtained by Link (though you somehow possess the Triforce of Courage after you travel through time, even though it never does anything).  The ability to gain the Triforce was removed a looong time ago back in 1996.  Thus, there are no Gameshark codes in the game that allow you to show the Triforce.  And I, personally, have tried all 256 possible items in the game, and none of them look, say, or conjure the Triforce.

Macaan Also Asks: Hey! I was looking at goodn64's list of roms to find the name of the jp zelda and i saw somthing that said Zelda Boot Emu [pd] so i searched for it and i found it. I can't open it in Pj64, but it must do somthing, it is attached. (114kb very small) I still have not found 1.1, 1.2, or a jap version, but i'll tell u when i do...
Sent: 7/5/02
Reply: Well, I opened this up in a hexadecimal viewer and pretty much can't figure out what the heck it's supposed to be, either, though it does contain "Zelda Ocarina of" in the code.  It's 256kb unzipped, so it is something for the N64.  My guess is that it's some kind of plugin code used for the N64 so that the N64 can read 256-bit cartridges instead of the regular 128-bit.  Other than that possibility, I haven't any idea what it is or what it's supposed to do.

Macaan Boldly Asks: You guys seem the be the only Zelda beta/glitch/oddity site that is open to emulation, I am trying to collect a version of every OoT rom (1.0,1.1,1.2) I have 1.0 right now and trying to find the others, even the jap versions. Well here's my question, is there any known beta or 64DD roms available, I would really like to find out. I have never beaten Zelda OoT because I have never owned the cartage, but now that I have the 1.0 rom, I am trying to beat it, I am on my way to zoras domain to get the 3rd medialon.
Sent: 7/5/02
Reply: Well, our policy works like this: we're not trying to convince anyone to use a ROM.  It's a handy tool sometimes, but it's also illegal.  If you use it, it's your decision, and your responsibility.  We won't provide it on the site, either, since that's also illegal.  However, if you do happen to use the ROM, we will tell you what you can do with it.  Whether you do it or not is left up to you, of course.
Having said that, I'll now answer your question.  To my knowledge, the only Zelda ROMs for the N64 that exist are: 1.0 NTSC (the most popular one), 1.1 NTSC (rare, but out there), 1.2 NTSC (super-rare), 1.0 PAL (ultra-rare), and 1.0 JAP PAL (rare).  All of these versions are compatible with various emulators.  However, there are no beta or Ura-Zelda ROMs on the Internet.  In fact, the only Beta ROM that was ever publicly accessible was the Zelda 64 cartridge used at the Space World convention in 1997.  This cartridge allowed you to visit Link's house, tour Hyrule Field on Epona, see the castle from the outside, and take a look at a simplified version of Zora River.  You could also fight two Stalfos, Ghoma, or King Dodongo, and explore three different dungeons (presumably Dodongo's Cavern, the Deku Tree, and Jabu-Jabu's Belly).  There was another one on display at an E3 convention, but it was one very close to completion and had little beta material remaining.
Sadly, neither of them are available anymore, and there was no opportunity for people to download the data off of the cartridge onto a computer.  All of the beta material still exists, but it currently is stored in Nintendo's archives and is inaccessible to anyone without the proper authorization.  Unless a wonderful miracle happens, this material will never be released in full form.  Somewhat strange, really... think of how great of a marketing technique that'd be!

Alan Wonders: i have that black gauntlet code from your site .... ok when u look at it in the inventory screen ..... is it supposed to show a bag and japanese text ??
Sent: 7/3/02
Reply: Yes.  Actually, this code is somewhat misleading: it is, in truth, an interface trigger that allows you to see your rupee holder (the side effect is the black guantlets, which can lift any rock).  If you can only hold up to 99 rupees, then it will show three deku seeds.  If you can hold 200 or 500 rupees, it will show a bag with a silver or gold rupee on the front (respectively).  Here are what they look like, with their respective text:

Translation: Dungeon Boss's KeyTranslation: Dungeon Boss's Key
Also, when you are a kid, you won't see him wearing the guantlets.

Antinones Asks: Hi there.  I  have some problems with getting my gameshark to work on Ocarina of time.
I can get the codes in, and the game will start, but none of the codes actually work.  Nothing happens.

I'm pretty sure I have version 1.1, as I got it christmas the year it came out. I've tried using codes for all three versions.
Sent: 7/1/02
Reply: Hmm... if you got it on Christmas the year it came out, then you most likely have version 1.0.  However, if codes don't work on your cartridge, then there a few more possibilities.  The first is that your Gameshark is missing the (M) code that it requires in order work with Zelda.  Another possibility is that you may be using the PAL rom (the one released in Europe and Australia).  The PAL rom has different codes than the American releases.  A final possibility is that you have an unusually rare verison of Zelda that has a different code layout than the other games.  If that's the case, then the easiest way to make your codes work is to use a Gameshark Pro, view the memory on the screen, and do a text search.  Run a search for the word "nZAbZA", then copy down it's address location.  Now, on a hexadecimal calculator (use Windows Calculator in scientific mode if you don't have one handy), enter in the address where that text is located on your game.  Now subtract 8002CE44.  This number is called the "offset."  What you can do is add this number to every code for Zelda 1.0 and then punch it into your Gameshark.  This should make everything work!

PJ Writes: you know that strange pool...i see some strange green eyes there...
Sent: 6/24/02

Well, I can't seem to see any eyes, but it turns out that the "pools" are actually the gel creatures that you find (you see them in Z2000; they hold hearts, arrows, and magic bottles).  They're still really weird looking, though... and the blue one doesn't seem to hurt Link or anything.

AnimeMan Wants to Know:
hey. I'm a noobie to the N64 emu world, and i saw on ur site that if i wanna see an alternate kakariko village, i gotta download a patch. where do i get this patch?
Sent: 6/15/02
Reply: Ah... yes, that's a big newbie question.  Here's an explanation of what those "patch" things are.  You see, at one time the most popular emulator used for the N64 was something called UltraHLE.  It had terrible compatability, but the graphics were superb and the audio emulation fairly accurate (though the ocarina always sounded funny).  But if you wanted to use Gameshark codes in UltraHLE, you would have to open the Ultra.INI file, find the game, and then enter in the patch command.  However, most of the popular emulators nowadays (mainly Project64 and Nemu64) have built-in code support.  Nemu64 will work with any code from the Zelda 1.0 list that doesn't work with an activator.  Project64 will work with any code, but if it's an activator code, you have to put it in the INI file, since the built-in code window automatically arranges them in alphanumerical order.

Zac Informs Us:
Hey again. I forgot to tell you this, your beta version screen entitled "WhoKnows..." was actually the original TOT, and not a Triforce pedastol. That is the original design the programers had to use before developing a method to create the current TOT from slowing down. By the way, great site. I found your site the most informative on the BETA Version.
Sent: 6/7/02
Reply: This is the picture:

Well, we do know that the Temple of Time was originally called the Hall of Time, so that's a very plausible solution.  It makes a lot of sense, too... I mean, the columns and layout do bear a faint resemblance with the final Temple of Time.  Thanks for informing us, Zac!  It finally solves our mysterious chamber!

Jacob Wonders:
it looks like the hand in the screenshot Zelda1Hand.jpg  is a floormaster frozen with an ice arrow.  It looks like  it may be in the shadow temple in the room with invisible walls; the decision to make them invisible could have been made later in development.

Sent: 4/30/02
Reply: Here's the screenshot he's talking about, folks.
Although this is a good guess, you need to pay closer attention to the details in the picture.  First off, the walls are a totally different texture.  Second, the interface in the picture is relatively old... they had stopped using it after 1996.  Also, Link's sleeves are very short in this screenshot; in our game, they are much longer.  There are also some other discrepancies, but I won't get too detailed here.  It's a good guess, Jacob, but actually it's from a re-made temple taken from the original Zelda game.

Guru Writes: i know from a very good source that the strange pictures with the 99shields and 77 bombs, and the dungeon where he is fighting the strange looking beta stalfos is from a BETA dungeon used to test enemy intelligance and collision dectection. the duneon is an exact replica of the very first dungeon from zelda 1, only in 3-d! (i would have loved to see that as some kind of mini quest in the game at some point), the picture of the hand coming out of the wall is the final room before you go into the boss room, only instead of fighting the unicorn/dragon like in the origonal, you find the triforce which is floating above a well(this is where all the triforce pictures everyone started roumers about is of). the beta town is Hyrulye city. in the origonal storyline, adult link went straight to hyrule city to investgate the disturbance in the Triforce. They took it out of the game becasue they dedecided that they wanted a more interactive city and if they made hyrule market like that they would have to either make insides for every single 2+ story building, which would be impractacal or make half the doors locked, which would have sucked. I got this infomation from a guy named Abe at Nintendo phone line, 1-800-255-3700, he said that he wasent supposed to tell anybody this on the phone at work, but he told my anyway. if by any freakish chance you put this info on your site, (which i really love btw), feel free to edit any stupid typos and just say you got the info from gguru1. Thanks, cya ^_~
Sent: 4/28/02
Reply: Yes, I have received several e-mails from different people regarding these images.  Apparently, there was even a section on the Zelda Power website that said the same thing.   I would like to thank you, gguru1, and all the other gamers out there who informed me.

XDaniel Writes Again:
you can walk around there when doing this:
1. Enable BQ and Appear in Strange Places (set it on a button like R using the activator)

2. Start the game and go to the Ranch. Before you enter it, press the Button with Appear in Strange Places

3. Now you can walk around at Lon Lon Ranch in this part of the ending (seems to be nothing interesting here)

Notes: There are the default Dungeon doors and when trying to exit the area (all exits) the game hangs and the debug line will come to the screen.

cu xdaniel
Sent: 4/24/02
Reply: Thank you (the subject was walking around in the ending)!  I have actually been there before... it's pretty cool, but it can get to be a strain on the N64 (it ends up slowing way down if too much is visible at once).  It's fun, though, checking out all of the strange things around the Ranch.  Also, it is true that it is practically impossible to leave the area.  You can, though: kill yourself with bombs (it takes a long time, unfortunately).  I'll make sure to add this onto the map!  Thanks again, I really appreciate it!

XDaniel Informs Us:
Hi there,
Some things about the PAL version:

1. it looks like there are different versions of the PAL Cartridge, too. The most PAL codes i've found are working on my version but not on the one from a friend. In Debug mine shows: [Date:98-11-10 14:34:22], the other one shows: [Date:98-11-18 17:36:49]. Looks like 8 days can change things...

2. Some codes for the PAL version (what about making a section for this version on your site?):
Moonjump: D01C64F5 0020 and 811D8AE0 40CB
Beta Quest: 801197E3 00xx
Cutscene Maker: D01C64F5 0010, 811197E4 0F0F, D01C64F5 0020 and 811197E6 0F0F
Age Modifier: 801183D7 000x (0 for Adult, 1 for Child)
Exit Modifier: D01C64F5 0010 and 811183D2 xxxx
Music Modifier: 801197DF 00xx
Access Zoras Fountain/BQ 0001: 800330D4 0000, 800333CC 0000, 8002CFAC 0000 and 8002D370 0000

3. The Specific Things Lean code doesn't work (could be ported wrong, i'm not sure about this) and there is a standard player name implemented (LINK) so there is no need for the No Name Glitch Code on the PAL version.

And the text of the item number 87 means Kokiri Forest. the first 3 symbols mean KO, KI and RI, the next one means something like of and the last one is the Kanji for Forest.

cu xdaniel
Sent: 4/22/02
Reply: Thank you for the info!  These codes are actually VERY helpful... if there is a pattern in the differences between the code versions, then yes, I will have a PAL version added onto the site soon.  Also, I am somewhat surprised that the No Name Glitch isn't in the PAL version... it's possible that the Debug Team at Nintendo may have translated the preprogrammed Japanese "Link" name to English for PAL and not US, but I'm not sure.  Also, the Specific Things Lean code WILL NOT work with the PAL version unless it is converted to match the different memory map that the version uses.  If I can find the pattern, then the PAL code section will have the correct Specific Things Lean code available.
In the unlikely event that the code STILL doesn't work, the other Lean codes may be able to work instead.  Since I do not have the PAL version, I will be unable to test it, so be sure to keep me informed.  Thank you again, XDaniel!

Reynolds wants to know:
What version of Gameshark do I need to use codes on Zelda: Ocarina of Time? I have a really old Gameshark, version 2.1 I think, and there are few games I like that work on it.
Sent: 4/15/02
Reply: Unfortunately, Zelda requires a Gameshark 2.2 or higher in order to work correctly due to the keycode feature that Zelda uses.  You can easily purchase one from a Funcoland or second-hand store and trade in your own Gameshark for a discount.  The Gameshark Pro for N64 works with Zelda as well, and offers several bonus features as well.

Blott asks:Hi, I played Zelda: OOT long time ago, but I didn't have a gameshark. Now with the ROM and the Project 64 emulator it is easier to try your page's Beta stuff.My problem is that some of the beta maps require a "No Name Glitch" Code to work, and I can't fin it on your website. Could you send it the code to me or tell me where I can find it? Thanks in advance.
 Sent: 4/14/02
Reply: Apparently the code was lost on the site, because I was pretty sure it was available. However, it is obviously not on there, so I will immediately fix the problem. Your emulator should be capable of running Zelda just fine without the No Name Glitch code, but if you are encountering difficulties, here's the code: 8011A5F6 0000

Colton tells us:
are inside a chest in the gerudos trainig ground submitted by  colton

Sent: 12/22/01
Reply: Thank you for the reminder.  The subject said he knew how to get the "fire ice arrows," which I assume he meant the ice arrows.

Francknstien asks:
Could you please tell me how to defeat phantom ganon in the forest temple
from the game Zelda:Ocarana of time
Sent: 12/10/01
Reply: Well, for those who are still new to the wonderful world of Zelda 64, I'll post here the easy-way-to-beat-the-phantom guide.
Stage 1 (Pictures): Run to the edge and stand between two poles (preferably not over a Triforce symbol).  This is to prevent you from being shocked.  Take out your bow and look around for a picture with Ganon on his horse.  When you find one, nock your arrow (press and hold the C button the bow is equipped to) and let it fly as soon as Ganon turns white as he goes through the portal.  Hit him three times to move on to the next stage.
Stage 2 (Tennis): Ganon will get off his horse and will float in the air.  Z-target him immediately and move in closely until he's high in the air.  Once he's high up, move back as far as possible.  Ganon will fire an energy ball at you.  Hit it back with your sword (or if you prefer, a bottle).  Hopefully it will return to him (sometimes it goes off in the wrong angle).  You must hit him about five or six times (I don't remember how many).  He will then crumble to dust.  Grab the heart, walk into the portal, and enjoy.

Sean writes:
Hi my friend called me on the phone and told me that he found the unicorn fountain with a gameshark code (80110a42 0040) for version 1.0. I think that he is lying but since I only have 1.1 I can't prove that. I don't know if you want to investagate or not but it might be true even if it seems highly unlikely.

Thanx for your time.
Sent: 8/24/01
Reply: Okay, well he was lying.  Unless I missed something, it doesn't do a thing.  Feel free to try it yourself, but it doesn't work as far as I know.

Stanly asks:
How do you get into Beta Quest in version 1.1 I put the code in but I don't know how to get into Beta Quest.
Sent: 8/23/01
Reply: Okay... this is a VERY IMPORTANT question, one that frustrates many people.  If you have used the Beta Quest before on the game, then it most likely has corrupted its data.  Don't worry, this doesn't mean you need a new game.  Here's some ways to restore Beta Quest back to normal:

The above tricks should help.  If not, then e-mail me and I'll try to help.

From hob:
I found a new cutscene.  I don't remember what I did but I had on beta quest (Not sure what one) and I also had on moonjump, and appear in strange places.  I went flying (I think) to the Kokiri Forest and it crashed I did the Video Gamer X Debug Code it unfroze I went in.  I appeared in Lon Lon Ranch I talked to Malon she said something like "Can't talk I got to deliver a ne... it's a secret."  Then she rode off on a horse and it froze and I couldn't fix it.
Sent: 8/22/01
Reply: This is a rather strange e-mail and though it isn't a question, I thought it should be here.  The problem with these kinds of e-mails is that they're too vague to be considered truth.  If you ever find something on Zelda, please write down all the codes you used and how you got there.  After I sent a reply, hob said that Hyrule Field was greener than usual.  I don't think I've seen a greener Hyrule Field before, so I have no clue what to work off of.  I will continue to try this until I'm certain it's incorrect, but if it IS true, then there may be more beta things in this game than just an Ocarina Pad and a short song!

Hob asks us:
How do you know what version of Zelda you have?
Sent: 8/19/01
Reply: Well, the first and easiest way to find out is to check the color cartridge.  Except in extremely rare cases, a gold cartridge is V1.0 and a gray is either 1.1 or 1.2.  Most of the time a gray cartridge is V1.1.  To find out for certain, you'll need a GameShark.  Now try the codes below (one at a time.  Don't use both at once):
8011BBA3 0000
8011C903 0000
If the top code makes you start immediately in a dark Hyrule Field, you have V1.1.  If not, you have V1.2.  If neither work, try this: 8011B9E3 0000.  If that works, then you have a rare gray cartridge that is V1.0.

J. wonders:
You said zelda is the only one without a wind temple...well at the end of the game your in the sky! and she plays a song we haven't heard before...if only you could move around up there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sent: 8/11/01
Reply: Although we do know the Beta Quest code needed to be in the correct arena, no one seems to be able to find her or the cloud.  As for the song, it is actually Zelda's Lullaby played lower than usual.  Sorry, nothing hidden there.

XDaniel writes again:
Hi again.

These 2 pictures (DarkCorridor.jpg and DarkCorridor2.jpg) in the beta section A+B+C Old Style are in the Fire Temple.  These are the corridors before the rooms where the Gorons are trapped.  Hope you understand this explanation :)

cu xdaniel
Sent: 8/5/01
Reply: Here are the pictures:

Well, here's the problem.  Though they do bear a great resemblance to the Goron corridors in the Fire Temple, we don't know if the Fire Temple even had this here at the time.  We also don't know if the Gorons were trapped at this time (I doubt it, in my opinion).  However, it is very plausible and is probably true.

XDaniel writes:
i've tried out the "Red Platform of the Ice Cavern" finding because i wanted to explore this a bit more. i got into the room with the red platform and look around. behind the platform is a hole with water. when you dive down the most textures go red like the platform but you can see a door like the other one in the water that seems to reach out of the room. i will try to get through it later. then i went through the door on your screenshot and got into a corridor. i've walked and walked and got in the room with the 4 holes in the corners where in the normal game the block to move is (bad explained, right?). but only parts of the room where visible! the rest was black! i will send you a screenshot when my TV card works again.

Hardware: PAL Multi3 (Eng, Ger, Fra) Cart and a german XPloder 64 Cheat Cartrige (compatible with Gameshark)
Codes active: Beta Quest 0000, Moon Jump

cu xdaniel
Sent: 8/1/01
Reply: Thanks for pointing this out.  Yes, I do know which room you mean (the one that had the pushable ice blocks and Blue Fire), and I am aware of this "bug."  You see, when Nintendo made Z:OOT, they had to design large, expansive dungeons while still working at peak efficiency on the N64.  To do this, the N64 would make the entire dungeon except the general area Link was in hidden and inactive, while leaving just enough to let it look like there's no change.  When Link crosses an invisible boundary, the area suddenly changes, and the new room is fully visible with all of the enemies, spikes, traps, and other things that aren't there when hidden.  For example, let's say Link enters the Temple of Time.  The long hall is fully visible, with lighting effects and everything.  Beyond the Door of Time, however, you'll notice that the room that holds the Master Sword looks squarish and much simpler.  Once you cross that "boundary" and enter the room, the hall will only show some of the floor and the back of the Stone Pedestal.  When you use Moonjump and pass through the ceiling of the room, you can walk in the hall while it's for the most part hidden.
The Beta Quest code seems to work very strangely, regarding this.  Whenever you arrive in a dungeon, this function seems to be disabled or not working properly.  Such is the same case as the "ice block" room in the Ice Cavern.  I am uncertain why the room turns a cyan-white when you enter, though I suspect it might be a palette rotation glitch of some sort.  As for the room with the red ice pedestal and its red aura, I don't really know why.  It seems that almost whenever you go underwater in the Beta Quest it causes some strange palette glitch.
I hope this answers any questions you had.

Needmorezelda wrote:
I was looking at your BETA Screens and on the one named "StrollingInTheDesert.jpg", I found that the tree to the left looked like it had 2 or 3 triangles on it (triforce?)  I saved on my computer and looked at it using Paint Shop Pro.  I enlarged it, and drew a pic of the enlarged tree.  It's included in the e-mail.  Please give credit to Needmorezelda and please put a link to my site -- http://come.to/needmorezelda

Needmorezelda (at) yahoo.com
Sent: 08/01/01
Reply: This is the picture this person's referring to:

The tree is on the far left of the picture.  I blew up the picture myself and yes, and it does look like it has the Triforce on it.  However, this picture is awfully small, with all the lines compressed into a small picture.  It might just be coincidence... but than again, Ganondorf's secret base was in the Spirit Temple in the desert, right?  What if the Triforce was held there at this time?

CashMoney030 asks: Are they ever coming out with that zelda game.
Answer: Well, Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Zelda: Oracle of Seasons are both currently out, but the GameCube Zelda game is supposed to be released "later next year."  Unfortunately, due to their new look, there is a greater lack of need to buy it.

From Kim:
Dear MNGoldenEagle,
Just commenting on one of the pictures of the ghost town on your Beta Quest page. You know that spiky thing in the background you commented on? My hunch is that it is the Temple Of Time.
Sent: 7/12/01
Answer: This is the picture he's talking about:

That spike is definitely a mystery, but I highly doubt that it's the Temple of Time, or "Hall of Time" as it was called early on.  At this point we were at Storyline A, which was seriously different from our current one.  It may have been a temple of some sort, or it may have been a castle.  Perhaps this was Hyrule Town at that time?  Or maybe a larger Kakariko Village?

Gollum asks:
Do you remember the first time Link was shown in 3D?...It was in 1995 (November 24-26) at the Shoshinkai Software Exhibition, there was an old school Link fighting a chromium-plated enemy in a sort of cave...do you know where I could find this footage?
PS-please excuse my english, I'm french :)
Sent: 7/3/01
Answer: Well, I have not yet seen the video of the first animated 3-D Link, but I have screenshots, located in Very Beginning.  I have looked for this footage but have yet to find it.  Hope you have better luck than I did!