
You can view all of the news posted on the site here, including the older messages.


Sad News to Report
Cooliscool's brother passed away on November 22nd this year.  Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and/or prayers this winter and send him your condolences.
Thank you.     
Nov 27 2007 by MNGoldenEagle

We're BACK!
We are BACK, everyone!!  Despite a hack orchestrated by the ex-members HarroSIN and TS_Death_Angel (proprietor of Z64 Station), we have fully recovered both the website and forums without losing anything!  We will be taking precautions to ensure it doesn't happen again.  Sorry for the unexpected downtime, folks!
Sep 26 2007 by MNGoldenEagle

Forums are operational!
The forums are back up!!!  Actually, they were back up awhile ago, but I forgot to post the news entry.  Until now.  So yeah!  Come check it out!
May 08 2007 by MNGoldenEagle

Forums are down
Due to extensive hacking, the Zelda Coalition forums are down until further notice as we try and recover the original configuration.
Apr 18 2007 by MNGoldenEagle

Forums are down
Due to extensive hacking, the Zelda Coalition forums are down until further notice as we try and recover the original configuration.
Apr 18 2007 by MNGoldenEagle

We have reason to believe that the passwords to user accounts are no longer secure, so if you have used that password anywhere else we highly recommend that you change them immediately.
In related news, the Zelda Coalition forums that were hacked will be brought back online soon in read-only format (so you can still read the old posts) and we will have brand new forums up in a few days.  These forums will be selected so that these security flaws will not be a problem in the future.  Rest assured, we are not dead.  Well, not yet, anyway.
Apr 15 2007 by MNGoldenEagle

Forums are down
Due to extensive hacking, the Zelda Coalition forums are down until further notice as we try and recover the original configuration.  This won't happen for several days, however, because I have two contests to prepare for, about twenty assignments due (not even kidding), a presentation to make, a program to create, and a chatroom to monitor.  Notice that the words "life to live" aren't in there.  Yeah, that ain't happening anymore...
Happy birthday to me.
If you are an admin for ZSO or the Zelda Coalition, please contact me as soon as possible so we can discuss this issue further and so you can receive the new passwords.
Apr 11 2007 by MNGoldenEagle

New release of Model Viewer!
That's right, a new release of Model Viewer!  It's got some minor improvements, the biggest being that textures are 100% better in this version than they were in the last.  There will be no further versions of Model Viewer produced, as we will be transitioning to a much bigger, much better, much more powerful project that will blow you all away.  Guaranteed.
Mar 28 2007 by MNGoldenEagle

No, we're not dead.  The off-site image host we were using, however (as you all can tell, it's a PhotoBucket account), has used up all of its bandwidth and won't reset until the twelfth.  Since that's only four days away, I'd like to just ask everyone to wait for now.  If it doesn't fix itself by then, we will change our image host to something a little more permanent.
Feb 07 2007 by MNGoldenEagle

Exciting news!
Great news!  We have just recruited two new programmers to help develop Model Viewer, both legends in the emulation scene: _Demo_ and EFX.  Their experience and skills will guarantee a much more powerful and capable program and, of course, with more hands we will finish updates faster!
I'm planning to make an intermediate release for Model Viewer in the very near future as well, which will display textures perfectly (alpha blending is still an issue) and operate much, much faster.
Dec 04 2006 by MNGoldenEagle

Wii And Such
Got the Wii, pretty excited about it.  I've played Wii Sports on it (bowling is currently my favorite) and a little bit of Red Steel, though the multiplayer in the latter was very awkward.  Managed to play Twilight Princess for about five minutes or so, but had to switch games because my friends wanted to actually do something.  I'll be back on that thing by Wednesday for sure.
In the meantime, it may not seem like it, I know, but we are working on Model Viewer.  I want to try and perfect it as much as I can before I make the next release.  At the moment, I've fixed all of the texture bugs, so they should load perfectly.  The levels load a bit slower, but render much faster than before now.  I've added a feature that enables vertex-color mapping.  Looks good on some areas, horrible on others.  Not sure how to fix it, which is why it's off by default for now.  Hopefully we'll have a new release soon.
Nov 21 2006 by MNGoldenEagle

New section to the site!
Rather than try to update a section that's vastly out of date, I've remade the whole "Beta Zelda 64" section so that it's much more comprehensive, accurate, and sensible than the original.  It's also got a new name: you'll find it called The Legend of Beta now!
Nov 08 2006 by MNGoldenEagle

Map Select Discovered
Once again, our famed hacker Cendamos has made another incredible breakthrough: Map Select for both Ocarina of Time 1.0 (NTSC) and Majora's Mask (NTSC).  Like the Dark Link code, these are version-specific and difficult to port, so don't expect more version releases anytime soon.  Still, this has shed light on the true nature of the "Beta Quest" phenomenon and, more importantly, proves that there are no hidden areas lurking in the original OOT.
Oct 26 2006 by MNGoldenEagle

New release of Resource Extractor!
Finally, after a lot of rushed effort between homework assignments, classes, work, and meetings, I have finished and uploaded the newest version of Z64 Resource Extractor!  What's new?  Z64RE now supports all Zelda ROMs for the N64 (Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask) and any other ROMs that use a similar format.
It's also a little smarter now, decompresses stuff in Yaz0, and will play a major part in future software projects here.  We're going to work on Model Viewer next, and hopefully have a new version by December.
Oct 09 2006 by MNGoldenEagle

Spread the word!
Just want to shout out to the guys at Microplay in good ol' Pennsylvania and thank them for checking us out!  It's awesome that we're getting more Zelda fans here and I do hope you stick around!  We've got lots of exciting stuff in store.  And no, the Arwing was not Photoshopped, though we can understand why you think that.  Try out the codes, see for yourself!
We do encourage people to spread the word about ZSO.  We've been around for ages but now that we've got lots of cool stuff going on, it's about time to step up our viewership.  This also means redesigning the site, so graphic artists and PHP programmers should contact me if they're interested in helping out.
Sep 14 2006 by MNGoldenEagle

New section and downloads!
This is our most exciting update... ever!  I am extremely pleased to announce that ZSO will now feature a new section containing the utilities we have developed ourselves to help people in their hacking efforts.  This includes Zelda Edit by our admin Cooliscool and the experimental program Model Viewer.  Things are looking good!
Sep 01 2006 by MNGoldenEagle

The Good and the Bad
Long story short, we've finally cracked the mystery regarding "ZFU" and, as a result, the Zelda Coalition has been restored!  Unfortunately, due to some technical issues, we were unable to restore the original forums.  We have created new ones (you will have to reregister if you haven't already) and apologize for the inconvenience.  My hope is that we'll be able to restore the old forums at some point and provide them as archives.
Aug 12 2006 by MNGoldenEagle

Sorry everyone...
Effective July 25, 2006, Zelda's Secret Ocarina will no longer host or continue its community services, such as forums or chat.  This is very hard for me to do, after bringing this site up for over six years and watching this wonderful place thrive, but due to issues that have spun out of my control and the hacked forums earlier today, I feel it is in ZSO's best interest.
Zelda Coalition has likely moved beyond my control, and will probably start up again when it is clear that the site is safe and there won't be any perpetuators from our own communities.  With any luck, this will just be for a week or so.  If not, then I wish everyone a wonderful summer and am truly, truly sorry about this.
Jul 25 2006 by MNGoldenEagle

We've updated!
Welcome back!  We've finally updated the site quite a lot with a bunch of new findings and revisions.  We're also planning a cosmetic change coming up in the not-too-distant future, and if all goes well, the entire site will become dynamic.  What does that mean?  It means no more yearly updates!  YAY!!!!
Jul 20 2006 by MNGoldenEagle

Good news and bad news....
The good news is, I've prepared a bunch of stuff in the Findings section and plan to redo the screenshots section and the Beta Zelda 64 section, as they are both tragically out-of-date.  The bad news is, my computer just died.
Long story short, I'll try to update as soon as possible.  Until then... well, if you know computers REALLY well, read the full story and see if it's something you can fix.  If it is, PLEASE CONTACT ME!
Jun 24 2006 by MNGoldenEagle

PHP and Translations
I'm still looking for someone gifted with either PHP programming or customizing content management systems...
Also, I've decided to expand ZSO's readership by translating the site into the popular languages: Spanish, French, German, and Japanese (think PAL and Japan NTSC and you'll get my choices ).  Of course, I know nothing about the first three and only a small amount of the last one, so if you can speak any of these languages and would like to help out, please e-mail me for instructions.
Jun 07 2006 by MNGoldenEagle

The new news system
This is the new news system of ZSO! Much less static, much more user-friendly ^^

May 31 2006 by xdaniel

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