Gameshark Codes for Version 1.0 PAL

Below is a full list of all Gameshark codes (beta codes are not available here).  Green codes have not yet been tested, red codes carry a higher risk factor when it comes to keeping your files, orange codes have been reported as faulty, and italic codes are popular or well-known codes and are especially used on this site. If you have any new codes, problems, comments, or need help with a certain code, please contact the webmaster and he will respond as soon as possible.

In order for these codes to work, you must have a Gameshark 2.2 or above.  It is highly recommended you have Gameshark Pro with or without the expansion pak.  The Gameshark Pro no longer breaks if you use a bad code (but it may be temperamental after that), it starts easily w/o the expansion pak, and the codes almost always work. With the expansion pak, the only two good features are Memory Editor and checking Video Memory.  Code Generator almost always has to be on in order for the Pro to work properly, and you can only use the Code Generator feature only once or twice.  After that, Zelda will freeze each time the Gameshark stores the memory (might be incompatible with the ROM Debug System). Note: The Gameshark Pro 3.3 is much more stable than its predecessors, and doesn't crash as often.  The Code Generator feature works most of the time as well.

All these codes were posted on Abstrusness of Hyrule, Odyssey of Hyrule's Gameshark Blowout, and Temple of Light, and some found by members, both former and present, of Zelda's Secret Ocarina and the Zelda Coalition. No infringement intended.  Please note that these codes can easily delete files or corrupt your game if used improperly.  Interact, Action Replay, Nintendo, and ZSO cannot be held responsible for any damages.


From left to right: Code, Description, Info, Can be used by Adult Link, Can be used by Child Link

D01C62B4 00??
Controller Activator #1
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D01C62B5 00??
Controller Activator #2
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81118400 0140
Infinite Energy
* *
811183FE 0140
Maximum Hearts
* *
801184A1 00??
Max. Skulltula's Killed
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8111846C 7777
All Equipment
* *
81118474 30FF
81118476 FFFF
All Quest/Status Items
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D01C62B5 0030
811D90B2 000D
Hover Boots Last (L+R)
80118499 0009
Infinite Small Keys
* *
80118478 0007
Have Dungeon Key, Compass, and Map
* *
8011844B 0008
Have Ocarina of Time
* *
80118449 0005
Have Din's Fire
* *
8011844F 000D
Have Farore's Wind
* *
80118455 0013
Have Nayru's Love
* *
D0118409 0008
8011840A 0001
8011840C 0001
80118403 0060
Infinite Magic
* *
D01C62B5 0020
811D8890 40CB
Levitation (a.k.a. Moon Jump, hold L)
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80118444 0000
8011845C 0009
Infinite Deku Sticks
80118445 0001
8011845D 0009
Infinite Deku Nuts
* *
80118446 0002
8011845E 0009
Infinite Bombs
* *
80118447 0003
8011845F 0009
Infinite Arrows
8011844A 0006
80118462 0009
Infinite Deku Seeds (Slingshot)
8011844C 0009
80118464 0009
Infinite Bombchu's
* *
80118448 0004
Have Fire Arrow
8011844E 000C
Have Ice Arrow
80118454 0012
Have Light Arrow
8011844B 0007
Have Fairy Ocarina
* *
8011844D 000A
Always Have Hookshot
8011844D 000B
Always Have Longshot
80118450 000E
Have Boomerang
* *
80118451 000F
Have Lens of Truth
* *
80118452 0010
Have Magic Beans
8011846A 0009
Infinite Magic Beans
80118453 0011
Have Megaton Hammer
* *
8011840E 0001
Giant's Knife Becomes Biggoron's Sword
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81118405 0???
Unlimited Rupees
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80118471 0001
Have Quiver (Holds 30 Arrows)
80118472 0047
Kid Wallet
* *
80118472 0057
Adult Wallet
* *
80118472 0067
Giant Wallet
* *
8011849F 0014
Double Defense Power (White Border Around Hearts)
* *
80118456 00??
Bottle 1 Modifier
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80118457 00??
Bottle 2 Modifier
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80118458 00??
Bottle 3 Modifier
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80118459 00??
Bottle 4 Modifier
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801197A1 003B
Infinite Time to Ride Epona at the Ranch
80118471 0001
80118472 0004
80118473 00D8
Golden Scale
8111846C 7777
80118440 00??
Clothing Equipped Modifier
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80118472 00??
Equipment Modifier 1
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80118473 00??
Equipment Modifier 2
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80118440 00??
Equipped Stuff Modifier
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811183DC ????
Time of Day Modifier
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80118439 0011
C-Left to Use Hammer
* *
80118437 00??
Starting Point Modifier
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8111846C 7777
80118441 00??
Shield/Sword Equipped Modifier
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801185FB 003F
C-Right Becomes Hylian Shield
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801185FB 003E
C-Right Becomes Deku Shield
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* *
D01C62B5 0020
811197E4 0F0F
D01C62B5 0010
811197E8 0F0F
Cutscene Maker
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801197D9 0002
Text is Big and Weird
* *
811197B6 FFFF
811197B8 FFFF
Nearly Invisible Power Display
* *
811197B2 FFFF
811197B4 FFFF
Can't Use Weapons
* *
811197AE 0000
811197B0 0000
No Sound Effects
801197C3 00FF
811197C4 FFFF
No Pause Menu
* *
811197C8 FFFF
Magic Disappears Quickly
* *
801197DE 0001
No Music
* *
811197C0 FFFF
811197C2 FFFF
No Magic Meter
* *
811197C0 0000
811197C2 0000
Magic Won't Decrease
* *
801197DE 0000
Music Enabled
* *
801197F2 0001
Funky Sky Intro
* *
D01C62B5 0020
811197F2 0101
Fast-Forward Time (L)
* *
D01C62B5 0020
811197F4 0101
Health Refill (L)
* *
811197EA 0101
Funky Sky
* *
81119798 FFFF
Nayru's Love Always On
* *
8111979C FFFF
Decreasing Rupees
* *
8111979E FFFF
Text Above Hearts 1
* *
811197A2 FFFF
Text Above Hearts 2
* *
8111978D FFFF
Run In/Out of Houses
* *
80118472 0055
Weird Item Equipped
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811197EA FFFF
Dark Sky
* *
80118474 0047
Receive a Heart Container (C or A)
* *
80118472 0035
Have Black Gauntlets, Silver Scale, Unlimited Rupees
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80118438 00??
B Item Modifier
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* *
80118439 00??
C-Left Item Modifier
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* *
8011843A 00??
C-Down Item Modifier
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* *
8011843B 00??
C-Right Item Modifier
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811197EA 2222
Light File Select Screen
* *
8111843C FFFF
8111843E FFFF
Equip an Item to More Than One C Button
* *
80118438 0059
Fishing Rod Equipped to B Button
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801185FB 003D
Giant's Knife Always Equipped
* *
8011843B 000E
Always Can Use Boomerang
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801197DF 00??
Music Modifier
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81119622 0019
Play Intro
81119626 0002
Enter a Town to Make Time of Day Night
811195F2 0000
811195F4 0000
Use Any Item Inside Houses (Not Underwater)
* *
81118276 000?
81118277 00??
Starting Point Modifier 2
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801EC488 0005
801EC608 0005
801EC888 0005
801ECA88 0005
Infinite Carrots on Epona
8104DDFE 0050
Walk Through Specific Things
* *
80023414 0001
Specific Things Lean
* *
8106CAA2 0630
8106CAAA 0630
Use Any Item in Most Houses
* *
8004D55D 0001
Safety On (Nothing Gets Hurt)
* *
800E781A 0001
No Enemies at Night in Hyrule Field
80023419 0001
Specific Things Backwards
* *
80023426 0001
Some Specific Things Slanted
* *
80023422 0001
Link is Slanted
* *
80023429 0001
Link Doesn't Exist
* *
8005C504 0001
Total Darkness
* *
8005BEB9 0001
Dark Land
* *
8005BFDB 0001
Somewhat Dark Land
* *
8002A799 0001
Walk Under Wall at Temple of Time
* *
811197A5 0000
Infinite Time to Race the Running Man
D01C62B5 0020
8101FB10 0401
D01C62B5 0020
811D8890 40CB
D01C62B5 0030
8101FB10 8282
Kill Switch for Floor (L to remove, R to restore)
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D01C62B5 0020
8007F372 0001
Empty Zelda (L)
8104DDFE 0050
8002933A 0001
Go Through Almost Anything
* *
8002933A 0001
Go Through Blockade Walls (Gates, Ice)
* *
8002933C 0001
Go Through Most Blockade Walls and Ice Sheet
* *
800772BE 0001
Karate Link
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800772C2 0001
Link Always Holds His Shield with One Arm
800772D8 0001
Link Doesn't Like to Hold His Shield
* *
800772A5 0001
DekuNuts Don't Work
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8001FB10 0001
Positive Gravity
* *
8008C8AC 0001
Link Rides Horse Sideways
8008C8AE 0001
Link Rides Messed Up Horse Sideways
8008C8A8 0001
Link Rides High Backed Horse
8006FF40 0001
Hearts Fill Life More/to Maximum
* *
8006FF3E 0001
Hearts Reduce Life to 1 Heart
* *
8006FF42 0001
Hearts Kill You
* *
800E22A8 0001
Neon Vision
* *
80034B96 0001
Strange Camera Angles
* *
811197D2 FFFF
No Map
* *
801D69CF 0014
Arrows in Gerudo Archery Game
811197D6 05DC
1,500 Points in Gerudo Archery Game
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801E1127 000A
Score in Market Slingshot Game
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801D74FF 00??
Text for Item Always Shown in Inventory Menu
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801D6E5B 000?
Medallion Always Selected
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801D6E5F 00??
Item on C-Left, Sometimes Others
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801197D7 00??
Fish You Catch Weight
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800ECFFB 0001
Letterbox Mode
* *
800E25E3 0001
Rainbow Colors
* *
800E23E2 0001
Rainbow Colors #2
* *
800E2298 0001
Cool Walls
* *
800E26A8 0001
Cool Walls #2
* *
800E2288 0001
Spike Mode
* *
800E2228 0001
Invisible Link and Ground
* *
800E22E8 0001
Weird Graphics
* *
800E23A8 0001
Weird Graphics #2
* *
800E23E8 0001
Weird Graphics #3
* *
800E28A8 0001
Wobble Mode
800E28E8 0001
See Through Characters
* *
8008C8E8 0001
Epona Upside Down with No Legs
8008C8E6 0001
Epona Runs Sideways
8008C8EA 0001
Link Rides Under a Crushed Epona
80118472 0077
Have Green Gauntlets
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801082F0 003E
Camera Overhead View
* *
80108304 0041
Upside Down Camera View
* *
80118441 0031
Use Invisible Mirror Shield
* *
80118441 0041
Use Sword Case as Shield
* *
80118441 0051
Upside Down Kokiri Shield
80118441 0061
Upside Down Hylian Shield
80118440 0043
Link Takes Small Steps
* *
80118440 0053
Semi Anti-Gravity Boots
* *
80118440 0073
Link Shoots Off Like a Rocket
* *
80118440 00FF
Link Takes Quick Running Steps
* *
8011848F 0009
Always Have 9 Small Keys in Forest Temple
* *
80118490 0009
Always Have 9 Small Keys in Fire Temple
* *
80118491 0009
Always Have 9 Small Keys in Water Temple
* *
80118492 0009
Always Have 9 Small Keys in Spirit Temple
* *
80118493 0009
Always Have 9 Small Keys in Shadow Temple
* *
80118499 0009
Always Have 9 Small Keys in Ganon's Castle
* *
81119736 0000
Walk in Cinema Scenes
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811197D9 0000
Japanese Kanji/Kana Text
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* *
D01C62B5 0010
81119736 0001
Appear in Strange Places
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* *
801197E3 00??
Beta Quest
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80118??? 00??
Item Modifier
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D01C62B5 0010
801D9058 0042
Run Very Fast
* *
801D6675 0004
Cutscene Text Mode
* *
801D6680 0009
Ebonics Text Mode
* *
801D667F 0002
Breeze Through Text
* *
D01C62B5 0010
811183D2 ????
Exit Modifier (R)
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D01C62B5 0010
811183D2 00A0
D01C62B5 0010
811183DA ????
Zelda Cutscene Viewer (R)
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81119765 00??
Warp Song Modifier
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801197A5 0000
Running Man Time Modifier
801197E3 ????
801183D7 0001
Play Beta Quest as a Child
D01C62B5 0010
801D9058 0042
Press R to Run Very Fast
* *
80129683 0000
Background SFX in Frozen Cutscene
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D01C62B5 0020
801183DA 0001
D01C62B5 0010
801183DA 00FF
Camera Freeze With Reactivator
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D01C62B5 0010
801EFE48 0041
D01C62B5 0010
811F000F 0042
D01C62B5 0020
801EFE48 0040
D01C62B5 0020
811F000F 0040
Horse Speed Modifier When Racing Ingo at Lon Lon Ranch
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80121559 0000
No Notes When Playing Ocarina
* *
80100008 0001
8010000C 0001
Play Ocarina While Not At Link's Mouth
* *
800308B4 0000
80030BAC 0000
Can Access Zora's Fountain on Beta Quest 0001
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801183F6 0000
No 'Name Glitch' in Beta Quest
* *
80119802 ????
RCP Debugging Bars
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801125BE 0080
Flat Textures Code
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80119733 00??
Object Set Modifier
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811DFF54 43??
811DFF58 43??
811DFF5B 43??
Navi Color Modifier
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811197E8 ????
Cutscene Delay Modifier
* *
801192B9 00FF
Suppress Cutscenes in Beta Quest
* *
8011972F 000?
Interface Modifier
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8111930B ????
Map Coverage Modifier
* *
81199BCC ????
Sound Effect Modifier
* *
811C4CF0 ????
Link's Footstep Speed
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811C4D2A ????
Link's Gravity Modifier
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* *
D01C62B5 0020
801D6BD4 0001
D01C62B5 0000
801D6BD4 0000
Press L to Freeze the Game
* *
801197F1 00??
Start Menu Map Text Modifier
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801C5433 0020
801C5435 0016
801C547B 0050
801C547D 005F
801C547E 00FF
801C547F 00FF
801C5484 0004
801C548B 0030
801C548D 0010
801C54B1 00C1
801C54B3 00E3
801C54C9 00C0
801C5747 0098
801C574D 0099
801C5751 0000
801C5752 005C
801C5753 00A3
801C5755 0000
801C5756 00F0
A+B Reversed
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80119765 00??
Warp Code Modifier
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F0FFE2E4 2400
EDFFDE00 0000
Enable Code (M)
801197ED 00??
Fade-In Transition Modifier
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80113BCE 0000
Blue Sword Swipe
* *
80113BCF 0000
Purple Sword Swipe
* *
80113BD0 0000
Yellow Sword Swipe
* *
80113BD1 0000
Transparent Sword Swipe
* *
80113BD2 0000
Blue/White Sword Swipe
* *
80113BD3 0000
Purple/White Sword Swipe
* *
80113BD4 0000
Yellow/White Swipe
* *
80113BD6 0000
Green/Blue Sword Swipe
* *
80113BD7 0000
Light Purple Sword Swipe
* *
80113BDE 0001
Sword Swipe Stays Nearly Forever
* *
80113BDF 001F
Sword Swipe Lasts Longer
* *
801D6D50 0001
Volcanic/Red Glow
* *
801D6D52 0001
Green Glow
* *
801D6D54 0001
Blue Glow
* *
801D6DAA 0001
801D6DAB ????
Sandstorm Generator
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* *