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Make Your Own Cutscene

Effect: When the screen fades in as you enter an area, by holding a button the game will be forced to keep the "cinema bars" on the top and bottom of the screen and keep the interface inactive.  To stop your "cutscene," release the button.
Uses: Entertainment
Not Recommended For: This code is just something to do if you're bored... it doesn't have any practical value.  I also don't recommend trying this code on the ROM.  It's tedious to enter in, and a pain to use.
To Change the Trigger Button: Change the bold question marks to the value you want.  You can find the appropriate digits here. (Hint: for the first question mark, use 4 if you are using a button from the first table, and 5 if you are using a button from the second table.)
V1.0 PAL
V1.1 PAL
D01C84B? 00??
8111B9E4 0F0F
D01C84B? 00??
8111B9E8 0F0F
D01C867? 00??
8111BBA4 0F0F
D01C867? 00??
8111BBA8 0F0F
D01C8B6? 00??
8111C094 0F0F
D01C8B6? 00??
8111C098 0F0F
D01C62B? 00??
811197E4 0F0F
D01C62B? 00??
811197E8 0F0F
D01C62F? 00??
81119824 0F0F
D01C62F? 00??
81119828 0F0F

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Activate a Cutscene in the Beta Quest

Effect: When in the Beta Quest and specific button is pressed, the cutscene currently loaded in memory will activate.
Uses: Beta Questing
Not Recommended For: If you are using the Beta Quest, but don't plan on activating any cutscenes, I do not recommend having this code on, simply because it uses up one of the buttons, and if pressed, you may end up in a totally different place or end up crashing the game.
To Change the Trigger Button: Modify the last two question marks to the sequence you want.  You can find the digits here.  (Hint: for the first question mark, use 4 if you are using a button from the first table, and 5 if you are using a button from the second table.)
To Use With the ROM: When you want the cutscene to start, save the state and open the INI file.  Remove the double slashes ("//") and save.  Restart the game and load the state and it will begin.  The second the cutscene starts, save the state, put the slashes back in, save the INI file, then restart and reload.  (This is for UltraHLE only.  The code will not work for any other emulator.)
V1.0 PAL
V1.1 PAL
D01C84B? 00??
8111B9E4 0F0F
D01C867? 00??
8111BBA4 0F0F
D01C8B6? 00??
8111C094 0F0F
D01C62B? 00??
811197E4 0F0F
D01C62F? 00??
81119824 0F0F

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Play the Introduction

Effect: Plays the introduction cutscene??
Uses: None
Not Recommended For: Don't have an idea... I tried it once, and it didn't work... I think...
V1.0 PAL
V1.1 PAL
8111B822 0019
8111B9E2 0019
8111BED2 0019
81119622 0019
81119662 0019

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Walk in Cutscenes

Effect: Places Link in a starting location and allows you to walk around, even if a cutscene usually starts instead.  Will subtract one heart from your life in the process.
Uses: Beta Quest
Not Recommended For: Regular gameplay- using the code in the actual game may not work at all, or inadvertently throw you into the Beta Quest.
V1.0 PAL
V1.1 PAL
8111B936 0000
8111BAF6 0000
8111BFE6 0000
81119736 0000
81119776 0000

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Override a Cutscene

Effect: When a button is pressed immediately before (and while) Link enters a place, the game will place Link in a strange starting location (usually away from ground, so make sure you have Moonjump on), allowing you to move freely and preventing the cutscene from starting.  Will subtract one heart from your life in the process.  Once used, it will continuously override cutscenes, even if their aren't any.
Uses: Beta Quest
Not Recommended For: Inexperienced users.  This code can be difficult and can easily crash your game.  If you do use it, you must have Moonjump on.  Also, the code will not work correctly in the real game, and may cause crashes or plummeting.
To Change the Trigger Button: Modify the last two question marks to the sequence you want.  You can find the digits here.  (Hint: for the first question mark, use 4 if you are using a button from the first table, and 5 if you are using a button from the second table.)
V1.0 PAL
V1.1 PAL
D01C84B? 00??
8111B936 0001
D01C867? 00??
8111BAF6 0001
D01C8B6? 00??
8111BFE6 0001
D01C62B? 00??
81119736 0001
D01C62F? 00??
81119776 0001

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Freeze and Continue a Cutscene on Command

Effect: When the freeze button is pressed, the cutscene will pause when the camera is motionless (if you press it while the camera is moving, then the cutscene will pause once the camera has finished moving).  The cutscene will continue when the unfreeze button is pressed.
Uses: None, yet.
Not Recommended For: Most usage- requires you to re-assign two buttons in order to use the code.  If you have to use this code, I recommend you assign it the D buttons.
To Change the Freeze Button: Replace the green question marks with the sequence you want.  You can find the digits here.
To Change the Unfreeze Button: Replace the red question marks with the sequence you want.  You can find the digits here.
(Hint: for the first question mark in either color, use 4 if you are using a button from the first table, and 5 if you are using a button from the second table.)
V1.0 PAL
V1.1 PAL
D01C84B? 00??
8011A5DA 0001
D01C84B? 00??
8011A5DA 00FF
D01C867? 00??
8011A79A 0001
D01C867? 00??
8011A79A 0001
D01C8B6? 00??
8011AC8A 0001
D01C8B6? 00??
8011AC8A 0001
D01C62F? 00??
801183DA 0001
D01C62F? 00??
801183DA 00FF
D01C62F? 00??
8011841A 0001
D01C62F? 00??
8011841A 00FF

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